劉以德LIU,Yi-De陳乃瑜CHEN, Nai-Yu2019-08-282014-6-122019-08-282014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699820095%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85957  本研究欲立基於後現代體驗經濟、休閒市場與體驗文化觀光之脈絡下,探索 不同類型博物館所塑造之體驗本質及其作為一休閒選擇之競爭力,並由此宏觀審 視該類型博物館體驗與當代文化、社會和觀光重要議題之有機聯繫與相關意涵, 以作為相關從業人員與政府單位之借鏡和後續類似研究之參考。有鑑於此研究目 標,本研究以素為博物館政策與實務先驅之英國為標的,挑選近期成功以文化導 向都市再生的典型後工業城利物浦為多重個案研究背景,運用直接觀察、館方與 遊客訪談、文獻分析,來研究三間位置鄰近、皆聚焦於城市文化遺產、但經營使 命、展覽主題與詮釋手法各異的博物館-默西賽德海事博物館(Merseyside Maritime Museum)、利物浦博物館(Museum of Liverpool)與披頭四故事館(Beatles Story),希冀以其相關實務現況回答如下三項研究議題:  博物館形塑之體驗為何?又博物館作為休閒選擇之遊客認知為何?  博物館體驗如何體現寓教於樂的概念?  博物館體驗如何影響文化認同和目的地意象?   本研究發現,博物館體驗之調性、價值與意涵乃共同取決於博物館之本質、 定位、使命與遊客之背景、興趣、動機。由休閒角度來看,遊客對博物館之心態 乃奠定於博物館需兼具休憩與教育意義之隱含期望下,而個人認知之成本與效益 將影響博物館參訪之成行和滿意與否,並與個人因素、休閒行程規劃及博物館聲 譽相關;廣義而言,博物館現仍非首要休閒偏好。從供需立場出發,博物館體驗 則可歸類為人性化、傳統性、感官性供給,及情感性、中間性、休閒性需求;其 中以人性化供給最能因應不同類型體驗需求、達致寓教於樂之平衡、並最具文化 認同與目的地意象之影響力,從而最積極發揮文化、社會與觀光之正面外溢效應。Founded on the contexts of the postmodern experience economy,leisure market and experiential cultural tourism, this research firstly probes into the essence of experiences shaped in different types of museums and their competitiveness as a leisure option, thereby holistically clarifying the organic connections between them and contemporary issues in the fields of culture,society and tourism. It targets at the post-industrial city Liverpool in light of its unique urban evolution and rapid tourism growth, picking out three critical cases—the Merseyside Maritime Museum, the Museum of Liverpool and the Beatles Story which all center on urban heritage, yet offer distinct experiences in close proximity, hence allowing an empirical insight into the research questions below: What kinds of museum experiences are shaped, and how are they perceived as a leisure option? How does the concept of “edutainment” manifest in such experiences? How do such experiences affect cultural identity and destination image? The findings suggest that a museum experience hinges on the essence of both an experience delivery and its receipt, and museums are still not perceived as top leisure priorities. Museum visitors implicitly hold an expectation of “educative leisure”, and their perceived cost and benefits affect the decision and satisfaction of a museum visit. Moreover, three types of museum experience supply and demand are recognized in the case study: Traditional, Sensational and Humanist Supply as well as Emotional, In-between and Recreational Demand. The Humanist Supply appears to best satisfy various demands and create the optimal cultural, social and tourism impacts.博物館體驗休閒寓教於樂文化認同目的地意象MuseumExperienceLeisureEdutainmentCultural IdentityDestination Image博物館體驗之形塑與意涵-以利物浦之城市遺產博物館為例The Shaping and Implications of Museum Experiences: A Multiple Case Study of Heritage Museums in Liverpool