曾國明2014-10-272014-10-272008-11-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/23883本文想以梓官地區的農漁發展作一主軸,探究其從清領時代至日治期間,墾殖變化的歷程。清代中期整個梓官地區墾殖活動,主要有二。其一,東北的梓官庄、中崙 庄則為水稻田和甘藷園為主的糧食作物區。其二,西南的赤崁庄是蔗業的發達區。 日治時代新式糖業興起帶動本區東北部至中部「水田」插蔗的風氣;而相對於此,西南地方的傳統糖廍因不敵行政與日資的強勢背景下,紛紛沒落。再者,梓官地區 的梓官大字因較接近鐵路,形成梓官區貨物的輸出口中心,尤其是新式糖業依附高雄這大型區域中心更深。但是赤崁與蚵仔寮大字,向外輸出貨物減少,其產業轉化 為小區域的自給圈。This thesis study agriculture and fishery reclamation from Ch’ing dynasty to Japanese-Ruled Period in Tzu-Kuan region , on the coast of Kaoshiuang. In order to restructure the characteristics of agriculture and fishery reclamation , we selected the power of Japanese-Ruled government in Taiwan and private Japanese corporations project toTzu-Kuan region as the research objects. The reclamation and development during the middle of Ch’ing dynasty in Tzu-Kuan region , was a process of construction of different life-style in both places of north-east and south-west. Some old sugar refineries in the south-west of Tzu-Kuan region exported sugar by Chih-Kan seaport transportation . But on the other hand , the agricultural activity in the north-east of Tzu-Kuan region was mainly the cultivation of rice . After 1895, modern cane-sugar refinery enterprise was established in this area near the north-east of Tzu-Kuan region. Moreover, after private Japanese corporations invested in this area, old sugar refineries in the south-west of Tzu-Kuan region went bankrupt and Chih-Kan seaport transportation disapppeared. Modern cane-sugar refinery near new train transportation line exported sugar to Kaoshiuang seaport . Because the colonialists accelerated a new growth of sugar cane, they not only had changed the land-use of plain in the north-east of Tzu-Kuan region, but controlled the land operation and agricultural activities .Under the powerful control and exploitation of new enterprise , many peasants lost self-subsistent life-style. Last , because old sugar refineries in the south-west of Tzu-Kuan region went bankrupt , local people only depended on fishing and agriculture.梓官赤崁清領時代日治時代農漁墾殖Tzu-KuanChih-KanCh'ing dynastyJapanese-ruled periodReclamation清領至日治時代梓官地區的農漁墾殖From Ch'ing Dynasty to Japanese-Ruled Period Agriculture and Fishery Reclamation in Tzo-Kuan Region