鄭忍嬌周麗端Jen-Chiao ChengLi-Tuan Chou2016-05-042016-05-042013-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/77961處於不同社會位置,有不同環境條件與資源,母職生活經驗應該也有所不同。本研究探討勞動階級都市原住民母親,在經濟、階級、性別、種族等多重弱勢社會位置下的母職實踐生活經驗。採質性研究方法,邀請1位子女剛成年的勞動階級都市原住民母親回顧其母職生活經驗。研究發現:其母職實踐歷程可分成四個階段:初婚時的「妊命」;生育後的「認命」;正式就業後的「訒命」;及轉業前後的「韌命」階段。其中包含五個特色:一、積極就業,彈性轉換工作模式,就業是母職展現,正式就業引發夫妻共親職衝突;二、牽動其生活經驗起伏的因素有七:母職意識、家庭經濟、子女發展階段、工作與子女作息配合、配偶親職參與、共親職期待、及子女表現;三、生育意願高,母職是「母桎」,也是「母值」;四、援用漢民中產階級母職意識,經濟供應、組織「協同母職網」乃其反動,卻也是理想母職的延伸;五、側重經濟、安全需求滿足,積極累積子女向上流動資本,對子女讀境期望高,反哺期望低,願意成為孩子永遠的護航。針對研究結果,本文提出相關政策制訂的考慮重點、家庭生活教育建議,並主張建立原住民文化優勢母職意識,以提升原住民母職自我認同,擴大臺灣母職意識涵蓋的論述範圍。Different social positions come with different environmental conditions and resources, as well as varied motherhood experiences. This study explored the life experiences of motherhood implementation as exemplified by an urban aboriginal mother from the labor class and with multiple vulnerable social positions including economics, class, gender, race, and so on.The qualitative research method was adopted. An aboriginal mother whose children had just reached adulthood was invited to reflect on the life experiences of motherhood. The results show that: The course of motherhood can be divided into four stages: "bearing" during early marriage, "acceptance" after giving birth, "unspoken hardships" after receiving formal employment and "resilience" before and after changing jobs, which are characterized by five features: 1. Actively seeking employment and flexibly switching work modes. Employment is the display of motherhood, while formal employment gives rise to spousal and parental conflicts; 2. Seven factors contribute to the ups and downs in life experiences, including motherhood awareness, family economy, children's development phases, routine for work and children, the spouse's parental involvement, parental expectations, and children's performance; 3. There is high willingness to bear children. Motherhood comprises "regimented motherhood" and "duties of motherhood"; 4. The awareness of middle class Han Chinese mothers from is adopted to provide financial support and organize the "collaborative motherhood network" that is reactionary, but it is also the ideal extension of motherhood; 5. Focusing on the financial situation and the need for security, capital for promoting children's upward mobility is accumulated. The mother has high expectations for her children and low expectations for gain in return. The mother is also willing to be her children's shelter for life.Based on the results, the main considerations for the establishment of relevant policies were put forth母職勞動階級都市原住民女性MotherhoodWorking ClassAboriginal Woman一個勞動階級都市原住民女性的母職生活經驗─妊命、認命、訒命與韌命的歷程The Motherhood Experiences of an Urban Working Class Aboriginal Woman: The Course of Bearing, Acceptance, Unspoken Hardships, and Resilience