林淑慧Lin, Shu-hui2014-10-272014-10-272011-04-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/13001台灣大河小說常結合真實與虛構的歷史敘事,呈現關於人類命運與理想的思考。如鍾肇政《台灣人三部曲》、李喬《寒夜三部曲》中的第二部《滄淇行》及《荒村》運用「台灣文化協會」、「台灣農民組合」等相關史料,再現家族參與當時啟蒙運動的情境。哲學家康德以為啟蒙的特徵是脫離「不成熟」狀態的過程,亦即修正意志、權威及理性運用之間的原有關條,並蘊含尊重人權自由的世界觀。究竟作家是如何有意識地消他龐雜的史料,再現這段台灣文化史上的重要事件?又是以何種虛實交錯的寫作手法,想像或建構歷史的脈絡?本文就台灣文化協會與農民運動史料的轉化、演講的氛圍與啟蒙意義,以及主題人物的其實與想像等層面爬梳文本。同時參酌相關一手檔案、文獻,分析小說中的情節編織技巧,詮釋其歷史敘事的特殊質性,並探析作家如何藉由小說人物的言論及行動,想像日治時期台灣群眾的啟蒙思維。Roman-fleuves written by Taiwanese novelists usually adopt the narrative style of fictional and real historical events. The prevailing themes of these novels concern fate of people and idealistic thinking. The two novels in discussion in this essay are Cang Ming Xing from Taiwanese Trilogy by Zhong Zhao-zheng and Huang Cun from Cold Night Trilogy by Li Qiao, both of which are based on historical materials on Taiwanese Cultural Association and Taiwanese Peasants Union to represent the scenarios of the familial involvement in the Enlightenment Movement during the Japanese Occupation in Taiwan. The 18th-century German Philosopher Kant characterizes Enlightenment as “man's emergence from his self-incurred immaturity," and the goal of Enlightenment is to modify the 'relationship between personal will, authority and use of rationality as well as introducing a world view with an emphasis on respecting human rights. We are going to discuss the following questions. First, how novelists consciously digest these voluminous and complicated historical materials to reconstruct many important cultural and historical events ofthe Enlightenment Movement in Taiwan; secondly, how they employ the fictional and real historical materials to narrate and reconstruct the historical contexts in their novels. The discussion of the historical contexts in the novels will be based on the following aspects; adaption of historical materials on Taiwanese Cultural Association and Taiwanese Peasants Union, public speeches and their meaning of Enlightenment, and the fictional and factual portrayals of the protagonists in the novels. We also refer to many first-hand documents and archives to analyze the techniques used by novelists in the plots, and inte中ret the uniqueness of their historical narration. Furthermore, by analyzing the characterizations of protagonists in the novels, of their actions and speeches, we can have a better understanding of the Enlightenment thinking ofTaiwanese people during t大河小說台灣文化協會台灣農民組合敘事再現roman-fleuveTaiwanese Cultural AssociationTaiwanese Peasants Unionnarrationrepresentation日治時期啟蒙運動的再現:《滄淇行》、《荒村》的歷史敘事Representation of the Enlightenment Movement in Taiwan during the Japanese Colonial Period: the Historical Narrations of the Novels Cang Ming Xing and Huang Cun