何慧敏Ho, Huoey-Min蔡欣蓓Tsai, Hsin-Pei2019-08-282016-08-312019-08-282016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060206012E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86709本研究之目的在於探討參與環保團體之幼兒家長之環境行為現況與形塑其環境行為之重要生命經驗,並了解家長如何看待人類與環境的關係,以及參與環保團體之幼兒家長傳遞環境行為給孩子的方式。本研究以半結構式訪談法進行,共六位參與環保團體之幼兒家長參與。主要研究結果如下: 壹、 六位參與環保團體之幼兒家長皆落實環境行為於日常生活之中,其中以「動手行動」以及「教育行動」被提起的次數最多,其次為「經濟行動」、「說服行動」以及「公民行動」,「法律行動」則未被提及。 貳、 部分家長選擇不參與環保遊行是因為受其對特定環境行為的態度所影響,對特定環境行為的態度則受社會文化、教育理念等因素影響。 參、 家長們認為人類與環境是雙向互動且相互依存的關係,人類必須以正向、友善的態度對待環境。 肆、 人類的貪婪造成生態危機的出現,人類須以最不影響環境的方式生活,方能解決環境問題。 伍、 家長環境行為形成需要眾多重要生命經驗共同作用而成。「家庭影響」、「接觸自然的經驗」、「自然環境改變」、「環保團體影響」、「傳播媒體影響」以及「信仰」是本研究中六位家長認為促使其環境行為形成的重要生命經驗。其中,環保團體是六位家長共同認為的重要生命經驗。 陸、 家長結合多種方式傳遞環境行為與觀念給孩子。六位家長多以生活中的機會教育、共同活動中的身教、言教,以及環境安排與活動為傳遞環境行為的方式。The purpose of this study was to investigate how parents, involved in environmental groups, think about the relationship between humans and environment, what kinds of environmental behavior they have, what kinds of significant life experiences formed their environmental behavior, and how they transmit their environmental behavior to their children. This study used semi-structured interviews to collect statements. The participants consisted of six different parents, who were involved in environmental groups. The main findings were as following: 1. These six parents involved in environmental groups keep environmental behavior in their daily life, in which, they mainly took part in ‘physical action’ and ‘educational action’, and secondly in ‘financial action’, ‘persuasion’ and‘civic action’. However, ‘legal action’ had never been mentioned. 2. The reason why some parents didn’t take part in environmental protection demonstrations, is their attitude to specific environmental behavior that is affected by the social, cultural, educational concepts and others. 3. These six parents believe the relationship between humans and environment is mutually interactive and consistently interdependent. They strongly believe that human has to show a positive and friendly attitude to environment. 4. Ecological crisis was caused from humans’ avarice. The possible solution to end this disaster is to change humans’ lifestyle and to start a more sustainable ways of living, which would be more eco-friendly to our environment. 5. The environmental behavior of these parents was formed by various significant life experiences. These six parents stated that ‘family’, ‘nature encountering’, ‘change of nature’, ‘joined or educated by environmental group’, ‘media influence’ and ‘religion factor’ were all significant for forming their environmental behavior. In addition, these parents believe that participating in environmental groups was crucial for shaping their environmental behavior. 6. These six parents transmit environmental behavior and idea of environmental protection to children in many ways. These six parents tend to use life coaching and day-to-day experience to convey their eco-friendly message to their children. These implications were primarily performed during daily life, actions where both parties were together, an eco-friendly environment and outdoor activities.家長環境行為環保團體重要生命經驗傳遞方式parentenvironmental behaviorenvironmental groupssignificant life experienceways of transmit參與環保團體之幼兒家長的環境行為形成與傳遞Environmental Behavior Formation and Transmission of the Parent in Environmental Groups