陳素秋陳逸駿2019-08-282014-7-232019-08-282014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697070103%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88622本研究透過男同志的生命歷程的敘述,探究男同志學生在學校因性傾向遭遇霸凌時,他們如何因應以及所發展的策略,並藉此呈現出校園中性傾向霸凌的性別結構關係。同時,透過他們的經驗指出校園環境的缺失,以建構出多元性別的友善校園。 本研究採質性研究,找到四位來自台北、台中與高雄,在國、高中時期因為性傾向而受到霸凌的男同志參與者進行研究。透過深度訪談來探究男同志學生在學校受霸凌的經驗,並指出性傾向霸凌與其他霸凌的差異。每次訪談時間為一小時,每位參與者皆訪談兩次。 本研究發現男同志在霸凌處境中呈現自我認同和外在環境的雙重壓迫中,關係霸凌是男同志學生受傷最重的形式。在回擊霸凌的策略上,男同志學生多採取消極方式,但也會透過學業成績作為一種保護傘,以獲得老師的關注。在霸凌與校園關係方面,發現校園中的霸凌鑲嵌於性別階層的權力結構關係中,是一個性別政權的展現。透過校園中的互動與相處,將結構中的「強制異性戀」規則實作出來,惡化了性傾向霸凌的情況,並且也讓男同志學生更加邊緣化。教師在這實作的過程中,無形中與結構呼應,變成共謀者。在霸凌處理機制方面,教師的處理模式仍維繫在異性戀的意識形態上,看不見性傾向霸凌的問題,甚至否認學生的性傾向。四位參與者中,有兩位在《性別平等教育法》實施之後受到霸凌,但不論是否有在法規的保障下,對於法規所規定的性霸凌處理機制都不信任,若有機會也不願意使用。此外,亦發現學校須在24小時內的通報機制有矛盾現象,可能會引發學生更大的出櫃與傷害。因此,要建立多元性別友善校園就必須省思校園中性別結構的位置以及教師自我的角色,透過師生互動與權力實踐翻轉性別階層的結構,才有可能讓教師從共謀者變成能動者。This thesis not only explores how gay students develop their methods to face school bullying because of their sexual orientation, but also discloses the gender structure of the sexual orientation bullying in the school. Moreover, through their experiences, the thesis indicates deficiencies of the school environment for constructing a more the friendly campus for gender diversity. To applying the qualitative method in my research, I find four gays who have all experienced sexual orientation bullying in junior and senior school in Taipei, Taichung and Kaohsiung. I explore the experiences of school bullying by in -depth-interview, and analyze the differences between sexual orientation bullying and other kinds of bullying. Additionally, I interview each subject twice and each time for one hour. During the study, I first find that gays in bullying are oppressed by self-identity and the outer environment. And among all kinds of styles of bullying, the relational bullying is the most harmful one for those gay students. For resisting bullying, gay students usually use passive resistance, but some of them, on the other hand, reach high achievement in study to seek protection from teachers. Second, discussing to the structure of bullying and school, I discover bullying is equipped by powerful structure of gender class, known as a gender regime. A gender regime firmly emphasizes the rules of “compulsory heterosexuality” in the gender structure through interaction in schools. Thus, the regime worsens the sexual orientation bullying, and meanwhile marginalizes the gay students. What is worse is that, the teachers become the role of the conspiracy in the processes of the regime. Thrid, discussing to the solving process of bullying, the teachers’ solving methods are still based on the ideology of heterosexual hegemony but almost ignore the problems of the sexual orientation bullying and even deny their students’ sexual orientation. Although two of participants are bullied after the Gender Equity Education Act effect, all of them distrust the solving process of sexual bullying listed in the law. They even claim that they would not use the process even if they had the opportunity. Moreover, students could put themselves in danger of getting trauma of involuntary coming-out, thanks to the process of the reporting in twenty-four hours in the law. Hence, to building up friendly campus for gender diversity, teachers have to not only reflect on their role of the structure of the gender regime, but also try to become an agency through the interaction with students based on the study.性傾向霸凌多元性別友善校園性別政權異性戀霸權sexual orientation bullyingsex/gender diversityfriendly campusgender regimeheterosexual hegemony從男同志學生的霸凌生命經驗省思多元性別友善校園