吳文星Wu, Wen-hsing張家綸Chang, Jia-Lun2019-09-032017-12-012019-09-032017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0897220043%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/95199  日本統治臺灣後,為能持續保有樟樹,1900年以殖產局負責、地方廳執行、專賣局出資之方式推動喬木作業樟樹造林事業。推動後,初期因成效不佳,為求改善,1905年起首先實施樟葉製腦之新式造林事業,接著訂定喬木作業樟樹造林計畫,並促使造林作業流程制度化,到了1907年甚至鼓勵民眾參與造林。   1911年起,殖產局漸次將業務全部轉交專賣局負責,專賣局負責後,除了訂定樟樹造林計畫之外,亦於全台設置樟林作業所,同時也在南部極力發展樟葉製腦造林事業,1920年甚至設立造林課總理所有的業務。進入1920年代後,因經濟恐慌,造成經費縮減,1924年不僅裁撤造林課,也將業務全數轉交殖產局。1926年再度將業務轉交殖產局營林所造林課,統一了造林業務,與此同時,亦推動森林計畫,樟樹亦為其中一樹種,結果無論行政上或實際作業上,樟樹造林有統一於一般林政之可能。1930年代,中日關係逐漸緊張,樟樹造林又因樟腦之需求被視為獨立業務而重新訂定造林計畫,不過卻伴隨戰爭之結束而未完全實施。   另一方面,1907年推動之民間樟樹造林,由於監督不周,加以民眾對於造林技術之不熟習,甚至有可能係以獲得林地為主要動機申請造林,凡此皆造成造林成績不佳,因此對於造林事業之輔助成效有限。   為利於造林,臺灣總督府也進行研究,主要可以分成三方面:1.苗木培育。發現臺灣樟生長力優於日本樟。2.種植技術。1920年代後受到德國恆續林思想之影響,林學者或林務認為應因地制宜採取適合生態環境和樟樹性質之造林技術。3.樟樹病蟲害。透過調查,調查者不僅逐漸擴大其原本在日本所得之害蟲病菌知識,亦建議適合之防治方式。要之,原本從日本移植而來的造林技術,伴隨近代林學研究之興起,不僅研究出適合臺灣的造林技術,也使技術逐步近代化。  After Japan colonized Taiwan, in order to keep the production quantity of camphor, the government initiated a project of reforesting camphor trees in 1900. In the beginning, the government reforested unsuccessfully, then in order to reform, the government not only used new techniques of refining the camphor from the leaves and branches, but initiated a new project. As a result, the procedures of plant were standardizing .In addition, they even encourage capitalists to participate in this project to help the government in 1907.   From 1911, Property Bureau gradually transfered business to Monopoly Bureau. Monopoly Bureau not only made new plans, but setted up 9 agencies in Taiwan and promoted techniques of refining the camphor from the leaves and branches. As a result, Monopoly Bureau setted up a new department of managing reforestation in 1920. However, because it happened economic depression in Japan, Taiwan Government-General not only abolished reforest department, but transfered reforesting business back to Property Bureau. In 1926, reforest was governed by reforest department of Forest Bureau. At the same time, the government initiated a new project of forest management which included reforesting camphor trees. Consequently it was possible to unite all administrative bureau about reforesting. However, in 1930's period, because of the worsing relationship between China and Japan, in order to keep specific camphor trees, the government initiated new plans for camphor. But, with the end of the second war, the plans weren't carried out completely.   On the other hand, the public reforestation of camphor trees were not successful completely. Regardless of Japanese or Taiwanese, they encountered environmental issues and human negligence problems. As a result, some applicants could obtain full land, but some could obtain partial.   In order to improve efficiency of reforest, the government decided to study camphor trees, which included seeds and silviculture. In addition, the government dispatched scholars to investigate insects endangering camphor trees. Consequently, the colonial government not only increase their knowledge of insects, but make silviculture modernizing.樟樹樟腦林業造林林學間作混合林CamphorCamphor TreeForestryReforestSilvicultureIntercroppingMixed Forest植樹之道:日治時期臺灣樟樹造林事業及其學術研究The Way to Plant Trees:The Development and Research of Camphor Reforestation Industry in Taiwan under Japanese Colonial Rule