沈慶盈邱婉華2019-08-282013-8-12019-08-282012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697180104%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86049本研究目的在於瞭解新移民女性的社會支持、教養態度的現況以及彼此間的關係,採取便利取樣方式,以台北市、新竹縣、台南市、屏東縣等四縣市的新移民母親為母群體並進行問卷調查,總計發放853份問卷至61個新移民課程單位,回收之有效問卷為645份。研究工具為結構式問卷,包括:社會支持量表、教養態度量表及個人基本資料等三部份。 研究者使用社會科學統計套裝軟體(SPSS)進行資料分析,研究結果如下: 一、大部份的新移民女性在台灣的適應情形、中文流利程度達普通以上。 二、新移民女性感受到的非正式社會支持多於正式社會支持,且非正式社會支持以情緒性支持最多,工具性支持其次,資訊性支持最少;而正式社會支持則以資訊性支持最多,情緒性支持其次,工具性支持最少。 三、新移民女性在教養態度的整體、自信、歸因、瞭解等構面皆為中度偏正向,然在接納構面為中度偏負向。 四、新移民女性感受到非正式社會支持與正式社會支持愈多,其在整體教養態度及其各構面的教養態度愈正向。 五、迴歸模型對整體教養態度的解釋力達29.1%,台北地區、教育程度、非正式情緒性支持及非正式資訊性支持為整體教養態度之重要預測因子。 六、迴歸模型對教養態度的自信構面解釋力為最佳(25.8%),其次為對歸因構面(23.6%),再次則為對瞭解構面(12.2%),對接納構面的解釋力最差(9.9%)。 最後,研究者根據研究結果,分別對政府單位、新移民女性的相關服務人員、新移民女性本身及其丈夫、家人、以及未來研究者提出建議,以對於往後新移民女性的服務和資源的提供上有所助益。This study was designed to understand the social support, parenting attitude of new immigrant female, and the relationship between both. This study is designed to take convenience sampling, collecting samples of new immigrants female from Taipei City, Hsinchu County, Tainan City and Pingtung County to conduct a survey. 853 questionnaires were issued to 61 new immigrant courses organizations. The total of 645 valid questionnaires is recycled for this study, and Social Supportive Scale, Parenting Attitude Scale, and Personal Information are applied for analysis. After analysing data with SPSS, the findings are as follows: 1. The majority of the new immigrant female adaptation to Taiwan and Chinese fluency is above average. 2. As for the part of perception toward social support, new immigrants female feel informal social support more than formal social support. In informal social support part, new immigrants female feel emotional support most, tool support secondly, information support minimum. In formal social support part, new immigrants female feel information support most, emotional support secondly, tool support minimum. 3. As for the part of the overall parenting attitude dimension, self-confidence dimension, attributive dimension, and comprehensive dimension are moderately positive, but the accept dimension is moderately negative. 4. The new immigrant female feel more of informal social support and formal social support, the overall parenting attitude dimension and other dimensions are more positive. 5. The hierarchical regression analysis shows that the regression model has contributed to 29.1% variance in overall parenting attitude. The significant predictors of overall parenting attitude are Taipei area, education, informal emotional support, and informal information support. 6. The regression models of the interpretation to parenting attitude, the best is self-confidence dimension(25.8%),followed by attributive dimension (23.6 %t) ,comprehensive dimension (12.2 %), and accept dimension (9.9%) accordingly. Based on the result of research, this study provides suggestion to government units, new immigrant services, related institutions, organizations, new immigrant female’s husband , family and herself ,and researchers in the future. In order to benefit new immigrant female when provide services and resources to them.新移民女性社會支持教養態度New Immigrant femaleSocial SupportParenting Attitude新移民女性的社會支持與教養態度之研究