張永達Chang, Yung-Ta吳貞儀Wu, Jen-Yi2019-09-052016-07-122019-09-052016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0896430055%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103983教育心理學和閱讀理解研究,都顯示教科書的知識結構和順序組織會影響學生的學習。我國教育部開放民間出版國民教育教科書,無論在編寫方式或是知識順序的安排,呈現多元化的面貌,這對於學生閱讀理解的影響,是值得加以研究的。本研究分析各版本國中教科書「生殖」與「遺傳」相關內容的知識結構和編排順序。分析結果發現,各版本在知識結構有相當的差異性,知識編排順序依生物組成層級的串連方式,可分為兩類:相鄰層級串連、各層級分別串連。以此結果為基礎,並依相關研究建議新增集中串連方式,進一步進行準實驗研究,設計三種不同知識編排順序的文本,利用所開發的學習成就測驗,探討不同知識組織的文本對學生理解的影響。測驗結果發現,相鄰生物組成層級串連的知識編排順序,學生有較優的知識理解,並且較能形成接續性的知識連結。學生知識理解的差異主要是在細胞有絲分裂與減數分裂主題知識,以及區辨範圍知識。建議規劃國中生物學域課程、編寫教科書或教學計畫時,應考量知識的編排順序和知識範圍的連結。The research of educational psychology and reading comprehensive stress the influence of the knowledge structures and sequences of textbookson students’ learning. The Ministry of Education opened textbooks of compulsory education up to be compiled by private publishers. It is an important issue that how the diverse forms of textbooks influence on students’ reading comprehension. This study explored the knowledge structure and sequence in the “reproduction” and the “genetics” units of different textbooks, and found that there were two kinds of knowledge sequences for the biology organizational levels: adjacent or separated. Based on these results and the sequences proposed by some researchers, three kinds of texts (adjacent, separated, or condensed) were compiled. This study conducted the quasi-experimental research with an achievement assessment instrument to address the effects of knowledge sequences of texts on students’ learning. The analysis results of the assessment revealed that students who read the knowledge sequence of text with adjacent biology organizational levels had better comprehension and finer knowledge structures. The difference of knowledge comprehension was mainly in the knowledge of mitotic and meiotic models, and the knowledge in the discriminated scope. The results suggested that the knowledge sequences and the connections within concept scopes should be considered during biology curriculum design, textbook compiling or teaching planning.文本科學教科書知識結構國中生殖遺傳閱讀理解textscience textbookknowledge structurejunior high schoolreproductiongeneticsreading comprehension國中遺傳學相關知識結構之分析及編排順序對學生理解之影響The Analysis of Knowledge Structures of Textbooks and the Effects of Knowledge Sequences of Textbooks on Junior High School Students’ Reading Comprehension in Genetics