王華沛博士王淑姿2019-08-282007-7-232019-08-282007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0592091309%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91600特殊教育學校家長參與網路個別化教育計畫之現況與需求研究 指導教授:王華沛 博士 研究生:王淑姿 摘要 本研究係以文獻分析、問卷調查等方法探討特殊教育學校家長參與網路個別化教育計畫之現況與需求。根據四百九十五位特殊教育學 校家長所填的調查問卷結果,研究者歸納結論如下: 一、家長希望學校於召開個別化教育計畫會議之前,能事先提供子女 的相關資料;相對家長也願意配合提供子女的基本資料給學校。 二、特殊教育學校家長大多數有意願以網路化方式,查閱子女相關學 習與評量資料;並認為網路化是未來的趨勢便捷有效,應該逐步推動。 三、特殊教育學校家長認為本系統能符合需求,多數家長表示會繼續 使用;同時也願意提出對本系統改善建議。 四、特殊教育學校家長參與網路個別化教育計畫現況、意願與需求不會因不同性別、年齡、職業、子女就讀教育階段別而有所影響。 五、特殊教育學校家長參與網路個別化教育計畫現況,以教育背景具大專 (學)家長高於高中(職)家長;高中(職)家長又高於國(初)中小家長。 六、特殊教育學校家長教育背景具大專(學)比高中(職)家長在參與網路個別化教育計畫之意願高;高中(職)家長又比國(初)中小家長在參與網路個別化教育計畫之意願高。 七、不同家中資訊設備在家長參與網路個別化教育計畫之現況:以家中有電腦且可以上網高於家中有電腦但無法上網;而家中有電腦但無法上網又高於家中沒有電腦設備。 八、不同家中資訊設備在家長參與網路個別化教育計畫之意願:以家中有電腦且可以上網比家中沒有電腦設備在參與網路個別化教育計畫之意願高;而家中沒有電腦設備又比家中有電腦但無法上網參與網路個別化教育計畫之意願高。 九、家長是否曾經使用過網路個別化教育計畫系統,並未影響特殊教育學校家長對於網路個別化教育計畫之功能需求。 關鍵字:特殊教育學校 家長參與 網路個別化教育計畫Study on the Current Condition and Demands of Parental Participation in Internet Personalized Educational Plan in Special Education School Advisor: Hua-pei Wang, Ph.D. Student: Shu-tze Wang Abstract This study used literature review and questionnaire survey to investigate the current condition and demand of parents who participate in Internet personalized educational plan in special education school. According to the survey results from 495 parents, we concluded as follows: 1) Parents hope that school can provide children’s information in advance before the personalized educational plan takes place; on the other hand, parents are willing to provide children’s basic information to school. 2) Parents mostly are willing to go online and check children’s learning and evaluation information; they think Internet is the future way for better communication and should be promoted step by step. 3) Parents consider the system satisfactory; most parents express that they will keep on using the system, and propose suggestion for improvement. 4) Gender, age, occupation and children’s level of education have no effect on the current condition, inclination and demand of parents who participate in Internet personalized educational plan. 5) The current condition of parents who participate in Internet personalized educational plan is as follows: those with college (university) background have more participation than those with senior high school (vocational school) background; those with senior high school (vocational school) background have more participation than those with junior high school background. 6) Parents with college (university) background have stronger inclination in participating Internet personalized educational plan than those with high school (vocational school) background; those with high school (vocational school) background have stronger inclination in participating Internet personalized educational plan than those with junior high school background. 7) Current condition of computer equipment at home for parental participation in Internet personalized educational plan: those who have computer at home and can go online have more participation than those who have computer at home but cannot go online; those who have computer at home but cannot go online have more participation than those who do not have computer equipment at home. 8) The inclination to participate in Internet personalized educational plan for parents who have different condition of owing computer equipment at home: those who have computer at home and can go online have stronger inclination than those who have no computer equipment at home; those who have no computer equipment at home have stronger inclination than those who have computer at home but cannot go online. 9) Whether the parents have used Internet personalized educational plan system before has no effect on the demand of Internet personalized educational plan for the special education school parents. Keywords: special education school, parental participation, Internet personalized educational plan特殊教育學校家長參與網路個別化教育計畫special education schoolparental participationInternet personalized educational plan特殊教育學校家長參與網路個別化教育計畫之現況與需求研究