黃能堂Huang, Neng-Tang郭榮杰Guo, Rong-Jie2019-09-032016-8-172019-09-032011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698710487%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/96862  知識經濟時代下,知識分享的觀念在知識管理領域裡已屢見不鮮,而「知識移轉」則是指知識有效的傳遞與運用,著重在於對的時間點,經由對的管道,取得對的知識內容,並且在對的場所使用知識,本研究以「分享之後如何取得並使用」的構思為出發點做探討。   台電導入知識管理系統已行之有年,並且以邁向學習型組織為目標持續發展組織學習,故本研究以台電為個案,探討在資訊科技的運作與組織學習的政策下,是否能影響知識的移轉為主要目的,本研究透過立意取樣,發放280份問卷,實際回收有效問卷267份,以敘述性統計瞭解樣本特性;以信度分析與單一樣本t檢定檢驗題項一致性與感受程度;以多元迴歸分析、相關分析、獨立樣本t檢定與單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行研究假設驗證。   本研究發現:台電成員部份不同個人背景,在不同變項間有所差異,其中以資訊科技的差異最多;台電成員對於各變項間與各構面間皆存在正向相關;資訊科技對於組織學習與知識移轉皆有正向影響;組織學習對知識移轉也有正向影響;組織學習在資訊科技與知識移轉間具有中介效果。  The era of knowledge economy, knowledge sharing concept in the field of knowledge management has been common, "knowledge transfer" refers to effective communication and application of knowledge, focus in the right time, through right channels, get right knowledge of contents, and use knowledge in the right places, in the study, "after sharing how to get and use" concept as the starting point was discussion.   Taipower company import knowledge management system has been for several years, and move towards to the learning organization of objectives, continued development of organizational learning, the Taipower company as a case study to discussion the operation of information technology (IT) and organizational learning (OL) policy, whether it can affect the main purpose of knowledge transfer (KT). Through this study, purposive sampling, 280 questionnaires issued, 267 effective samples, descriptive statistics to understand sample characteristics, reliability analysis and a single sample t test to trial of items consistency and perception, multiple regression analysis, correlation analysis, independent sample t test and ANOVA statistical methods of analysis,research hypotheses.   This study found that members of the Taipower company in a different personal background, the difference between different variables, largest differences in IT, members of the Taipower company on variables and dimensions are both shows positive correlation. IT has positive effects on OL and KT, OL has positive effects on KT, OL has mediating effects between IT and KT.知識知識管理知識移轉資訊科技組織學習knowledgeknowledge managementknowledge transferinformation technologyorganizational learning影響知識移轉因素之研究-以台灣電力公司為例A Study of the Factors Affecting Knowledge Transfer: The Case by Taiwan Power Company