謝建成博士彭朋薰2019-08-292006-1-72019-08-292005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G00T2021005%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92060摘 要 當多元文化主義在全球化的時代中,成為普世的價值,社區的營造、社區的文化、社區的共同記憶應該是「數位典藏計畫」的源頭活水,目前國家數位典藏國家型科技計畫,主要是以動物、植物、地質、人類學、檔案、器物、書畫、地圖與遙測影像、金石拓片、善本古籍、考古、新聞為典藏內容,然而在現今提振本土文化社區營造和多元文化發展的同時,與我們生活息息相關的社區文化內涵與鄉土佚事風情是否更值得紀錄傳承?因此數位典藏應該不只是規格、標準、大小、解析度這些數位化的數字與數值,它也應該包含社區民眾的故事、民眾共同記憶的部分,一種超脫物化而較人文精神思考的部分。 新竹地區大部分是客家族群,長期以來都處於文化的邊緣地帶,透過社區意識的抬頭與多元文化的百家齊放,客家文化才慢慢揭開它的面紗,身為客家子弟,客家話本是我的母語,客家精神、文化是我的根本,對於客家文化的傳承是刻不容緩的事實且具有相當深刻的意義。 本研究嘗試以紀錄片方式紀錄典藏社區記憶,透過紀錄片的實驗創作,實際拍攝及紀錄被攝者思考家庭及生活的過程,期能提供開放生命的多元想像,用不同的創作形式來探尋家與家庭成員的生命對話;對台灣家庭集體記憶發展及研究提供一個現實實踐的影像紀錄。 這是一段家族成員的生活與訪談紀錄,也是一個多元文化的數位紀錄,在影片效果的評估上應有助以下各項達成: 1.作為二十一世紀台灣家庭變遷的家族記憶,提供一個發展樣本。 2.呈現多元的生活型態與生命思考,有助國內生命教育參考之素材。 3.對台灣客家女性形象描繪,提供一個現實實踐的影像紀錄。 4.提供給對自己的成長及對生命價值渴望改變的女性一個思考的案例。 5.為地方社區文化數位典藏,提供具體可行發展的模式。Abstract In the process of globalization, multiculturalism has become the norm. The creation of a community, its culture, and the community's common memory should be the source of the “Plan for Digital Archives”. Our country’s National Technology Plan for National Digital Archives mainly focuses on animals, plants, geology, anthropology, files, artifacts, books, paintings, maps and telemeter images, inscriptions on stone tablets and bronze pieces, ancient books, archaeology, and news. However, as the creation of local culture community and multiculturalism have become increasingly important, should we pay more attention to the recording and preservation of local culture and oral history, which are so closely linked to our daily lives? Digital Archives should not be just words and numbers. Instead, the stories and the common memories of the people should be included, which are separated from the technical aspects of digital archives and more human. The majority of people living in Shin- chu area are a part of Hakka subculture of Taiwan. This Hakka culture has not been well-known until recent promotion of the local communities and subcultures. As an heir of Hakka people, Hakka is my mother tongue and Hakka spirit is my foundation. It is important and meaningful for me to understand and preserve Hakka culture. This research attempts to use a documentary film to record memories of a community. Through the process of filming and recording subjects talking about their family and life, I hope to provide multiple views of lives and a live image record which might be used to reflect the family throughout Taiwan. This film is the record of the lives of the members of one family, and the dialogue between these family members. In this film, I hope to provide: 1.A sample of a 21st century Taiwanese family memory (Hakka) 2.A glimpse of the life style and thinking of one family, which may be used as a reference for Taiwanese life education 3.An image of Taiwanese-Hakka female 4.An example for modern women who are thinking about the value of the life and eager to change their lives 5.A practical and feasible model for local cultural digital archives社區文化典藏數位典藏客家語海陸腔訪談紀錄影像多元文化社區文化數位典藏之研究