田秀蘭Tien, Hsiu-Lan楊鈞惠Yang, Chiun-Huei2023-12-089999-12-312023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/d0b177f133769e60a5c0f00cb31a289f/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119552這是一個關於「愛」的故事。採自我敘說研究法,書寫在親密關係中失落的召喚,透由直覺力的引領進入靈性學習領域,繼而開啟了生命轉化的篇章:情緒療癒、靈性覺醒、生涯轉換、自我接納與完整、人我關係修復、相信與臣服、合一的愛,最後步上個體化歷程的生命轉化之旅。研究者在研究進行過程中經驗了愛的不同層次,小我的愛、大我的愛、學會愛自己再擴及去愛他人、助人。在關係中與自己和解,認識跟接納完整的自己,意識到自己是宇宙中的一份子,自我的完整意味著與宇宙的連結,與自己合一,就是與宇宙合一。我是我,我也不是我,我與宇宙已合為一體。我,回家了。The purpose of this study aims to explore the issue of Love, which incorporate the calling from the loss of intimacy, guided spiritual learning by intuition, followed by transformation of a new chapter in my life. More specifically, it mainly focuses on 1) emotional healing, 2) spiritual awakening, 3) career transition, 4) self-acceptance and self-integrity, 5) relationship repair, 6) surrender, 7) Oneness love, 8) transformation: the process of individuation. Self-narrative was chosen and used in this study. I have experienced different types of Love from ego to Self: the Love from ego, the Love from Self, learning to love myself and all the flaws I can love others better. As a result, I have learned to reconcile with me in a relationship, understand and accept myself. As stated by Carl Jungced the Oneness in me, others and the Universe, which meanswe have no separation.I am who I am. However, I am not what I think I am. It is like being at one with the Universe. I feel like I'm home.直覺靈性個體化歷程loveintuitionSpiritualityindividuation愛與生命轉化:直覺與靈性覺醒之自我敘說Love and Self-Transformation: Self-Narrative on Intuition and Spiritual Awakeningetd