王震哲呂長澤Wang, Jenn-CheLu, Chang-Tse楊明真Yang, Ming-Jen2022-06-082026-08-302022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/968cdc81455295dac04c8378c6e7c7a9/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/117119蜘蛛抱蛋屬(Aspidistra)植物於全世界約170 多種,被認為是目前單子葉植物中物種增加最迅速的類群之一。長期以來,臺灣產蜘蛛抱蛋屬多被處理為三個分類群,但部分類群的區分仍有學者持有不同觀點。此外,過往對本屬植物的分類均以形態特徵為主,隨著分子生物技術的迅速發展,分子標記已成為分類學研究有效的分析方法,然而臺灣產蜘蛛抱蛋屬目前仍未有針對不同類群遺傳分化的研究與完整的物種親緣關係探討。本研究以 Lu et al. (2020) 的分類研究結果為假說,使用轉錄組分析(RNA-seq)釐清本屬物種間的親緣關係,再利用形質分析評估不同類群之間相對重要的特徵,以微衛星分子標記探討不同類群之間的遺傳組成。首先,親緣關係結果顯示臺灣本屬物種為一單系群,其中大武蜘蛛抱蛋(A. daibuensis)的東部群最早形成,而薄葉蜘蛛抱蛋(A. attenuata)為最晚分出的類群;且物種分群與假說一致,大武蜘蛛抱蛋的東部群與南部群為不同的兩類群。其次,形質分析結果中,花部特徵的柱頭角度、花藥著生高度、裂片的寬度以及雌蕊長與雄蕊著生高度比值可做為區別特徵。長藥隔蜘蛛抱蛋(A. longiconnectiva)與大武蜘蛛抱蛋東部群具有相似的遺傳組成,與親緣關係分析結果,長藥隔蜘蛛抱蛋與霧社蜘蛛抱蛋(A. mushaensis)有較接近的親緣關係不一致。最後,結合親緣分析、遺傳結構分析與形態分析結果顯示大武蜘蛛抱蛋之東部群與南部群為不同的兩類群。本研究確認臺灣產蜘蛛抱蛋屬應包含五個類群,並建議將大武蜘蛛抱蛋的南部群處理為新的分類群。The genus Aspidistra Ker-Gawl., consisting of about 170 species worldwide, isconsidered to be one of the most rapidly increasing species groups amongmonocotyledons. In previous studies, most taxonomists considered that there arethree species in Taiwan, but some taxonomists still hold different taxonomic views.Although morphological comparison is the main method to deliminate taxa, the rapid development of molecular tools provided more evidences on taxonomic studies. However, the genetic composition of different taxa of the genus Aspidistra from Taiwan has not yet been studied and the species phylogeny have not been fully investigated.This study used the taxonomic treatment of Lu et al. (2020) as a hypothesis. RNA sequencing was used to understand phylogenetic relationships between species, and than performed morphometric analyses to evaluate the important characteristics in different taxa, and explored the genetic composition among different groups by microsatellite markers. To begin with the result of phylogenetic analysis revealed that Aspidistra species in Taiwan composed a monophyletic group; the earliest formation species was eastern group of A. daibuensis, and the latest formation species was A. attenuata. This result was not conflict to the treatment of Lu et al. (2020), while the eastern group of A. daibuensis was distinct from the southern group. Then in the results of morphometric analyses, the angle of stigma, the insertion height of stamen, the width of lobe, and the ratio of pistil length to stamen insertion height can be used as distinguishing characteristics. Furthermore, A. longiconnectiva and the eastern group of A. daibuensis have similar genetic composition, but the phylogenetic relationship did not support this result; the A. longiconnectiva should be closely related to A. mushaensis phylogenetically. Finally, Combined the results of phylogenetic analysis, genetic structure analyses and morphometric analyses revealed that the eastern group and southern group of A. daibuensis are different species. We confirmed that there are five taxa in the genus of Aspidistra in Taiwan, and suggested that the southern group of A. daibuensis be regarded as a new taxa.蜘蛛抱蛋屬形質分析微衛星分子標記親緣關係Aspidistramicrosatellitesmorphometric analysisphylogeny臺灣產蜘蛛抱蛋屬植物之系統分類研究Systematic Study of Aspidistra Ker-Gawl. (Asparagaceae) in Taiwan學術論文