胡綺珍Hu, Kelly翁靖祐Weng, Ching-yu2024-12-172023-12-252024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/9191a1d9659c7d50fb4a6274e7d1a5f5/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122131在瀏覽Tinder的過程中,研究者觀察到一群以文藝活動為興趣導向的文青男同志。另外,在過往男同志與交友軟體的研究中,都聚焦於男同志族群內部使用的交友APP如:Grindr。如今Tinder已然臺灣男同志廣為使用的交友APP,但至今國內卻無針對男同志族群使用Tinder的相關研究。與Grindr強調陽剛特質以及性化的風格不同,Tinder更傾向用戶興趣導向的去性化自我呈現,因此本研究將以研究者所關切的文青類型男同志為研究對象,觀察其特徵,將其輪廓並嘗試結合其使用Tinder的習慣,梳理他們如何實踐交友。  結果發現,「文青」除了消費實踐下所建立的品味階級區分外,「文青」們對於具備文化資本與否十分強調,並重視文化資本的長期性累積,同時對藝文領域抱持高度熱衷。而本研究也發現研究者認為「文青」一詞已然成了一鬥爭的場域,導致「文青」一詞的核心意義逐漸被侵蝕,導致受訪者們在被指認為「文青」會感受到抵抗。  另外,與鄧曼林(2015)的研究結果有所不同,本研究之受訪者認為進行藝文領域的消費實踐屬於各人的自由選擇,與社會壓迫無直接關聯,由此可以出臺灣社會對同志的壓迫漸漸消退。關於Tinder交友的實踐的部分可以發現Tinder與在一定程度上扭轉了男同志族群的交友景況,相較過去的強調性資本,本研究發現了受訪者對於交友實踐對生活風格以及文化資本的要求也十分強調,甚至已然形成了一種新時代下的門當戶對。  透過Tinder的中介,有人成功得到了理想的親密關係,也有人始終在等待,但不論是否有成功建立親密關係,8位受訪者一致讚揚了Tinder的實用性,並且承諾不會輕易停止使用Tinder,卻也也因此在一定程度上凸顯了Tinder帶來的限制以及網路作為交友媒介對於男同志族群來說是多麼的重要。During the exploration of Tinder, researchers observed a group of"wenqing" (aesthetic-oriented) gay men whose interests were centered around literary activities. Unlike previous studies that focused on gay men's use of dating apps within the gay community, such as Grindr, Tinder has become widely used among gay men in Taiwan. However, there is still a lack of research specifically addressing the use of Tinder within the gay community in Taiwan. In contrast to Grindr's emphasis on masculine traits and sexualized styles, Tinder tends to present users in a moreinterest-oriented and depersonalized manner. Therefore, this study focuses on"wenqing" type gay men, a group of interest to the researchers, observing their characteristics, outlining their profiles, and attempting to understand how they practice friendship through their use of Tinder.   The results revealed that besides establishing a taste-based class distinction through consumption practices, "wenqing" individuals strongly emphasize the possession of cultural capital and value the long-term accumulation of cultural capital. They also express a high level of enthusiasmfor the arts and cultural fields. The study found that the term"wenqing" has become a contested field, eroding its core meaning and causing resistance among those identified as "wenqing."   In addition, contrary to Deng Manlin's (2015) findings, participants in this study believe that engaging in cultural consumption practices is a matter of personal choice, unrelated to direct social oppression. This suggests a gradual reduction in societal oppression against the LGBTQ+ community in Taiwan. Regarding the practice of using Tinder for dating, the study identified a shift in the dating landscape for gay men, moving away from an emphasis on sexual capital. Participants emphasized the requirements for friendship practices in terms of lifestyle and cultural capital, forming a new standard for compatibility in the current era.  Through Tinder, some have found ideal relationships, while others wait. Despite the varying success, all eight interviewees praised Tinder's practicality and committed to its ongoing use. This underscores both the platform's importance for the gay community and the limitations it brings, highlighting the significance of online platforms for socializing among gay individuals.文青男同志交友軟體親密關係資本品味TinderWenqingGayDating AppsIntimacyCapitalTasteTinderMr.「right」有right嗎?:臺灣男同志在Tinder的「文青」式交友實踐Is Mr. "Right" really right?: Aesthetic Social Practices of Taiwanese Gay Men on Tinder學術論文