張明輝2019-08-122019-08-121997-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/81855目前學校組織受到民主化潮流的影響,已產生了實際的變革,學校組織從單純的學校行政部門及教學部門的架構,轉化成為學校行政部門、教師會、家長會(或學生會)等邊三角形的架構,此外,在學校行政歷程方面,也顯現出民主化、彈性化及多元化的發展趨勢。本文就學校組織中,學校行政部門、教師會及家長會的具體因應措施加以分析,並提出學校組織如何發揮學習型組織的特性、強化學校公共關係及落實學校本位的經營理念,以配合學校組織的變革,進而提升學校效能。Under democratic trend, the current school organization is being forced to make real change. Now, the school organization has being changed from a simple administrative and teaching organism into a trio of equally important mechanism:school administrative department, teacher's association, and parent's association(student's association). In addition, we also see major progresses in school administrative processes toward more democratic, flexible and diverse. This article analyze the interactions among school administrative departments, teachers' and parent's association, and formulate a practical strategy on how we can realize the real benefits of learning organization, create better school public relationship and more school-oriented practices, in order to promote the changes in school organization and become more effectiveness.學校組織變革因應策略School organizationChangePractical strategies學校組織的變革及其因應策略The Changes in School Organization and Practical Strategies