黃忠天Huang , Chung-tien2014-10-272014-10-272013-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/14611傳統經典互證會通的傳統,由來久矣。歷代注家以經解經或經典互證,久為經典詮解普遍的範式。《詩》、《易》為中國現存最古經典,由於其時代接近,地域上亦頗多重疊,加以二書均藉由「象」或「比興」來寄寓其隱藏於文字背後的義涵,表現手法頗多相似,故六經中惟《易》最近於《詩》,自然不免存在互證會通的可能。本文即嘗試由清儒詮釋《詩經》與《周易》相關著作觀察二書互證會通的現象,探討是否可藉此鉤深研幾,直探經典文獻相關問題,以開拓經典研究的新途。本文選擇以清儒《詩》、《易》相關著作,做為研究觀察二書互證會通現象的材料,主要著眼於在明末清初崇實黜虛學術思潮下,對於《詩》、《易》的研究有不同以往的面貌,尤其在文字、音韻、名物制度等方面的考證,更取得頗為可觀的成果,凡此,或有助於吾人藉以考察《詩》、《易》互證會通及其所衍生的學術意義與價值。Corresponding study of traditional classics has been the convention. In history, it was common for the scholars to interpret classics by classics or conduct corresponding study. Shi(The Book of Songs) and Yi (The Book of Changes) are the most ancient classics in modern China. As the times are close and the regions are mostly overlapping, while both two classics use “imagery” or “comparison” to imply the meanings of words with similar expressive techniques are similar, Shi is close to Yi among all six classics, and they are used for cross-examination and mutual interpretation. This paper observes the corresponding study of Shi Jing and Zhou Yi of Qing Dynasty for cross-examination and mutual interpretation, in orderto probe into the classics and develop new research methods.詩經易經會通經學詮釋清代The Book of SongsThe Book of Changesmutual interpretationclassicsQing Dynasty清儒《詩》《易》互證會通的學術意義與價值初探