何沛東Pei-Dong Ho2019-08-122019-08-122017-05-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/82571「海洋國家」的概念源於西方,長時間被視為西方強權的民主外衣。沙學浚先生吸取中西方海洋思想,在對中國歷來海洋文化的解讀和詮釋、中國近代遭受苦難反思的基礎之上,形成了自己的海國學說。沙先生還對中國海洋發展的歷史與現狀及未來進行了思考和展望。並將其海國學說運用到劃分中國經濟區、首都的選址、臺灣的戰略地位與發展等議題上,努力促使中國向海洋強國的目標邁進。The concept of a "Marine Country" originates from the western countries. It has long been regarded as the cloak of democracy for the western hegemonic. Hsueh-Chun Sha incorporated the advantages of the western and eastern marine cultural concepts, interpreted the Chinese marine culture and reflected the tribulation of modern China. He eventually formed his own "Marine Country" theory. He also considered the past, present and future of a marine China. He put his "Marine Country" theory into practice to development a marine country.沙學浚海洋國家學說運用中國Hsueh-Chun ShaMarine CountryTheoryApplicationChina沙學浚先生的海國學說與運用Hsueh-Chun Sha’s Theory of "Marine Country" and Its Application