洪榮昭Hong, Jon-Chao呂冠彥Lu, Kuan-Yen2020-10-192020-12-302020-10-192020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0007A02105%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110154當學校的競爭程度日益增加,在台灣註冊的補習班數量也越發增高,但對於某些學生而言,補習班所帶來的效能卻是存疑的,那些由雙親陪伴投入補習班課程的學生尤其如此。而隨著直升機父母的猖獗、媽寶數量的增加,上補習班所帶來的效能更可能會有相關。然而,關於媽寶現象在子女升學壓力對補習班學習投入之相關的研究卻較為稀少。為了充實這部分的缺稀,本研究採取問卷調查法,並以控制-價值理論作為支撐,探討生活、課業兩種不同類型的媽寶行為覺知,升學壓力,以及補習行為、情感、認知等三種不同學習投入間的相關性。 問卷經專家學者們的指導後,透過學校教師發放給學生,最終回收了268份有效問卷。問卷結果經結構方程模型及驗證性因子分析後,研究結果發現:(一)生活媽寶對於升學壓力有負相關。(二)課業媽寶對於升學壓力有負相關。(三)升學壓力對補習行為學習投入有負相關。(四)升學壓力對補習情感學習投入有負相關。(五)升學壓力對補習認知學習投入有負相關。根據這些研究分析結果,進一步為家長、公部門、補教業者、學校等相關教育單位提出建議,藉此提升學生在補習班的學習效果。The higher competition the schooling, the more enrollments of cram school in Taiwan. But to some students, the effectiveness of attending cram schools is doubted, especially, those students experienced parents’ accompanying to attend the cram classroom. Along with the helicopter parents are rampant and the number of mommy's babies has increased, the effectiveness of attending cram school may become deteriorate. However, few studied has been done on exploring the effect of the mommy's baby phenomenon on children’s academic stress that reflects to children’s learning engagement while attending cram schools. To address this gap, this study adopted a questionnaire survey and uses the control-value theory as the theoretical framework to explore the correlates among two different types of the mommy's baby behavior: daily-life hovering and academic hovering, academic stress and three types of engagements: behavior, cognition and emotion. After face validity of questionnaire by several experts, the questionnaire was established online version and were delivered through cram schools administrators to their students. There were 268 useful data collected and analyzed with confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. The research results showed that: (1) the mommy's baby behavior of daily life has a negative correlation with the academic stress; (2) the mommy's baby behavior of school has a negative association with the academic stress; (3) the academic stress has a negative association with the behavioral engagement while tutoring in cram schools; (4) the academic stress has a negative association with the emotional engagement while tutoring in cram schools; (5) the academic stress has a negative association with the cognitive engagement while tutoring in cram schools. Based on the analysis results of this study, we will further provide some implications for parents, educational administrators, cram schools, and general schools to enhance the effectiveness of students’ attending cram schools.媽寶行為覺知升學壓力補習補習學習投入HelicopterParentingAcademic stressCram schoolTutoring engagement國中生在不同媽寶行為覺知類型對升學壓力及補習投入相關之研究The Correlates among Perceived Helicopter Parenting, Academic Stress, and Tutoring Engagement on Junior High School Student