陳書梅洪新柔Chen Su-may Sheih, Hung Hsin-Jou2014-10-272014-10-272013-10-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/15413在快速變遷與高度競爭的當代社會,大學生可能面臨人際關係、生涯發展等諸多壓力,導致當事人衍生憂鬱、不安等負面情緒,影響其身心正常發展。而透過閱讀,當事者可進行自我調適,紓解壓力,放鬆心情,同時亦能使個人的情緒獲得淨化,並進一步解決心理或情緒上的問題,從而產生積極進取之態度,此即為「書目療法」之運用。為探討大學生在遭遇情緒困擾問題時,藉由各類閱讀素材所獲致之情緒療癒效用為何,本研究運用半結構式深度訪談法,以台北市某一所國立大學之20 位大學部學生為研究對象,分析受訪者在閱讀的過程中,所獲致之「認同」、「淨化」、「領悟」等書目療法的情緒療癒歷程。研究結果發現,小說類素材普遍具有情緒療癒效用,而繪本、漫畫、傳記、散文與詩歌係具有情緒療癒效用之非小說類圖書,但自助書與幽默文本之情緒療癒效用則較不明顯。此外,各類型閱讀素材之情緒療癒效用,會因受訪者個人因素而有所不同。In this highly competitive and ever-changed modern society, undergraduates have to deal with great pressures come from interpersonal relationship or career planning. As a result, undergraduates may feel depressed or uncertain toward their future lives. Literature have shown that reading can help readers modify their mind condition, deal with mental or emotional disturbance problems, release pressures, soothe tense emotions, have one's catharsis and further resume positive attitude. This is in where “bibliotherapy” lies. To understand the emotional healing efficacy of different reading materials for undergraduates, the researcher collected 20 participants' experience of emotional healing reading through semi-structured in-depth interviews. All of the participants were undergraduates in a university located in Taipei. Based on bibliotherapy theories, the researcher analyzed if the participants have undergone the three emotional healing processes of “identification”, “catharsis”, and “insight” during the reading. The result has shown that most of the fictions can provide emotional healing efficacy. Picture book, comics, biography, prose, and poetry are non-fictions which may help the participants deal with emotional disturbance problems. However, the emotional healing efficacy of humorous text and self-help book is not apparent. Besides, depending on identical readers, the emotional healing efficacy of reading materials may be different.閱讀素材情緒療癒發展性書目療法大學生Reading MaterialEmotional HealingDevelopmental BibliotherapyUndergraduate各類型閱讀素材之情緒療癒效用分析─以大學生為例An Analysis on Reading Materials' Emotional Healing Efficacy for Undergraduates