國立臺灣師範大學科學教育研究所吳心楷張俊彥洪志明譚克平楊文金左台益任宗浩張美玉李源順呂玉琴張幼賢2014-12-022014-12-022008-03-31http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/42824繼TIMSS 1995、TIMSS 1999(TIMSS -R) 及TIMSS 2003之後,IEA計劃再辦理國際數 學與科學教育成就趨勢調查(Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study 2007, 簡稱TIMSS 2007)。我國目前 是國際教育學習成就調查委員會(IEA)正 式會員,國科會和教育部共同支持補助參 與TIMSS 2007調查,希望經由積極參與國 際性研究計畫,為我國增添一個有利的管 道。可以進一步了解各國學生數學及科學 學習成就及其與各國文化背景、教育環境 等影響因子之相關性,以及我國學生數學 及科學學習成就與國際間之比較情形,其 結果可作為我國科學教育研究與實施參考 之使用。 TIMSS 2007 的主要調查對象為四年級 及八年級學生,共計有59 個國家參與並完 成調查工作,其中50 個國家參加八年級調 查,26 個國家參加四年級調查。國際上 TIMSS 2007 從2005 年2 月開始發展研究 調查架構與試題,我國自2005 年4 月開始 加入TIMSS 2007 國際調查工作,包括提供 命題架構意見、數學和科學試題命題、參 加專家問卷會議、試測(field test)資 料收集、實測(main survey)資料收集、 參加國際成果指標會議、國際資料分析會 議等各項工作。其中我國於2006 年4 月 19 日進行試測,實測部分於2007 年5 月 21 日至6 月8 日舉行,國中、小各抽測150 校,其中四年級有27 所較大型學校抽測兩 班,共抽測327 個班級。參與受測的學生 計有八年級共4046 位學生、四年級共4131 位學生分別完成測驗。每位受測學生需完 成問卷與題本的填答,而受測學校的校長 及教授受測班級數學和科學的教師則需配 合填寫學校問卷與教師問卷。 測驗結果:我國八年級學生科學學習 成就平均成績的國際排名為第二名,與第 一名的新加坡無顯著差異;數學平均成績 的國際排名為第一名,但與第二名的韓國 與第三名的新加坡無顯著差異。我國四年 級學生科學學習成就平均成績的國際排名 為第二名,與排名第一的新加坡有顯著差 異;數學平均成績的國際排名為第三名, 與排名第一的香港和排名第二的新加坡有顯著差異。各學科內容領域與認知領域平 均成績的國際排名分別如下: 【八年級科學部份】 生物第三名,化學第一名,物理 第四名,地球科學第一名;知識 領域第二名,應用領域第一名, 推理領域第五名。 【八年級數學部分】 數第三名,代數第一名,幾何第 一名,資料與機率第四名;知識 領域第三名,應用領域第二名, 推理領域第一名。 【四年級科學部份】 生命科學第四名,物質科學第三 名,地球科學第三名;知識領域 第二名,應用領域第八名,推理 領域第一名。 【四年級數學部分】 數第三名,幾何形狀與測量第四 名,資料呈現第四名;知識領域 第三名,應用領域第三名,推理 領域第三名。 在我國學生成就趨勢方面,與TIMSS 2003 比較,八年級數學有顯著的提昇,從 排名第四躍升排名第一;八年級科學雖持 平排名第二,但卻有退步的現象;四年級 數學雖然排名第三,但相較2003 年的結果, 亦有顯著的進步,不過相較於排名第一的 香港,仍有進步的空間;四年級科學,與 2003 的結果相比,有顯著的提昇。以整體 來說,這個成果顯示我國數學和科學教育 一直有不錯的水準,這是大家對科學教育 關心與努力的結果。 總的來說,在TIMSS 2007 的整體表現 上,我國四年級與八年級學生於科學方面 均名列第二;數學方面則分別名列第三和 第一。而與TIMSS 2003 的表現相較,我國 四年級學生在科學與數學方面及八年級學 生在數學方面均有顯著的進步,惟八年級 科學成就有下降的趨勢。我國學生在對數 理具有高正向態度和對數理具高度學習自 信心的人數比例上皆顯著低於國際平均。 在性別差異方面,我國兩年段學生不論在 數學或科學的成就上,男女生的表現均無 統計上的顯著差異。The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) provides reliable and timely data on the mathematics and science achievement of all the participant countries. Carried out every four years at the fourth and eighth grades, TIMSS data has been collected in 1995, 1999, and 2003. TIMSS 2007 is the fourth in a cycle of internationally comparative assessments purposed to investigate the factors which effect on teaching and learning in mathematics and science for students around the world. The results could provide the participants with information to examine the science and mathematics curriculum and education policies by comparing with other countries. The 4th and 8th graders were two populations investigated in the study of TIMSS 2007. There are 59 countries participated and completed the investigation in this cycle. In Taiwan, the filed test was carried out on April 19, 2006; while as the main survey was processed from May 21 to June 8, 2007. In the main survey, 4131 4th graders from 150 elementary schools and 4046 8th graders from 150 junior high schools were sampled to participate and completed the test in the main survey. Each participant needs to finish the Background Questionnaire and the Achievement Test Booklet. The administrators of sampled schools and both science and math teachers of the sampled classes were surveyed to complete the school questionnaire and teacher questionnaire respectively. Our grade 8 science performance was ranked 2nd among 50 countries, but the data were not significantly different from the 1st place country, Singapore. The performances of science content areas were followed: biology was ranked in 3rd place, chemistry was ranked in 1st place, physics was ranked in 4th place, and earth science was ranked in 1st place. In cognitive domains, knowing was ranked in 2nd place, applying was ranked in 1st place, and reasoning was ranked in 5th place. Our grade 8 mathematics performance was ranked 1st among 50 countries, but the data were no significant different from the 2nd place country and 3rd place country, Korea and Singapore. The performances of mathematics content areas were followed: number was ranked in 3rd place, algebra was ranked in 1st place, geometry was ranked in 1st place, and data and chance was ranked in 4th place. The performance in knowing domain was ranked in 3rd place, applying domain was ranked in 2nd place, and reasoning domain was ranked in 1st place. Our grade 4 science performance was ranked 2nd internationally, and the data were significantly different from the 1st place country, Singapore. The performances of science content areas were followed: life science was ranked in 4th place, physical science was ranked in 3rd place, and earth science was ranked in 3st place. In cognitive domains, the performance in knowing was ranked in 2nd place, applying was ranked in 8th place, and reasoning was ranked in 1st place. Our grade 4 mathematics performance was ranked 3rd internationally, but the data were significantly different from the 1st place country and 2nd place country, Hong Kong and Singapore. The performances of mathematics content areas were followed: number was ranked in 3rd place, geometric shape and measures was ranked in 4th place, and data display was ranked in 4th place. The performance in knowing, applying and reasoning cognitive domains were all ranked in 3rd place. To compare with the TIMSS 2003 data, our grade 8 students had significant improvement in mathematics, but less well in science. Both our grade 4 mathematics and science had significant improvement. In conclusion, overall performance in our grade 4 and grade 8 science were ranked in 2nd place internationally, and mathematics was ranked in 3rd place for grade 4 and in 1st place for grade 8. In trend analysis, except for grade 8 science, our grade 4 and grade 8 mathematics and grade 4 science were significant better than TIMSS 2003. The performance of our grade 4 and grade 8 in Index of Students’ Positive Affect and Index of Students’ Self-Confidence were below the international average in both subjects. In aspect of gender difference, there was no significant different in mathematics and science in both grade.國際數學與科學教育成就趨勢調查2007TIMSS 2007數學與科學教育成就Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study 2007TIMSS 2007Mathematics and Science Achievement國際數學與科學教育成就趨勢調查2007(3/4)甲Trends in Mathematics and Science Study 2007