賴家慶張得恩Lai, Jia-ChingChang, De-En莊雨蓁Zhuang, Yu-Zhen2023-12-082023-07-262023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/3f006394bf6a30bbf8dcb56605746400/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/121787本創作暨分析報告以華文原創音樂劇《爆料公廁》之原創歌曲做分析及探討。內文 共有五個章節,第一章為緒論,第一節為作曲者之創作背景,說明筆者學習成長背景以 及過去創作經驗;第二節為原創音樂劇《爆料公廁》創作動機與預期觀戲氛圍,說明引 發筆者發想此去之動機以及期望觀眾所感受之氛圍。第二章為《爆料公廁》創作理念, 第一節為劇本題材理念,說明「懸疑推理」及「黑色幽默」兩大核心元素之運用;第二 節為歌曲音樂氛圍設定,說明「小調」之運用、「《莫札特 D 小調安魂彌撒曲》」之引 用。第三章為《爆料公廁》創作內容及架構,第一節為角色表、分場大綱介紹劇本的內 容;第二節為歌曲初步氛圍設定與架構。第四章為《爆料公廁》歌曲創作與分析,將每 一首歌的設計編排做表格統整,並且介紹文本與音樂間之設計目的,藉由譜例作為素材 輔助解說;第五章為本創作之結語。The lecture mainly focuses on the analysis and interpretation of the original music from the Chinese original musical “News-Breaking Public Toilet”, and the content can be separated into five chapters.The first chapter is divided into two sections: the first section introduces the author's educational background and music-writing experiences. The second section describes the motivations and the expectations about the ambiance “News-Breaking Public Toilet" will provide.In the second chapter, the first section explains the usage of two main elements, “suspenseful detective" and “black comedy” in the play. The second section mainly explores the associations between the music and the ambiance, including the usage of "minor scale” and “The Requiem in D minor, K. 626.” The third chapter, divided into two sections, explicates the structure and content in terms of the play and the music. The first section outlines the plot, the roles, and the structure of the play. The second section illustrates the song structure of each song.In the fourth chapter, with the support of the score and tabulations, the relationship between music and the play is analyzed and interpreted. The fifth chapter concludes the analysis and interpretation of the original music.音樂劇歌曲創作劇本題材創作與分析音樂與文本懸疑推理黑色幽默musicalsong creationmusic functionmusic and textsuspense and resoningblack comedy華文原創音樂劇《爆料公廁》音樂創作暨分析報告Music Composition and Analysis on Original Mandarin Musical “News-Breaking Public Toilet”report_art