潘裕豐教授唐維璘TANG, WEI-LIN2019-08-282019-7-162019-08-282014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0001A02102%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88822本研究的目的為設計國中學生的英語教學多元智能創意教學,使用多元智能教學法進行教學,並融入創造思考技法課程教學活動中,包括腦力激盪法、心智圖法和奔馳法。在教學過程中,透過多元智能的活動來進行多元評量和觀察記錄學生的課堂表現和回饋。其中並記錄了研究者在本行動研究中的困境、解決之道、心得及專業成長。最後綜合研究結果,對教師及未來研究提出具體建議。 本研究採行動研究之設計,進行融入多元智能與創造思考技法於英語教學之研究。研究對象為國中七年級一個班級27名學生。在行動、觀察、反省、修正的循環歷程中,透過教師教學日誌記省思札記、學生學習回饋表、課堂學習表現、學生訪談、學習單及課後作業等不同面向的資料收集方式,記錄教學活動實施歷程與結果,研究結果如下: 一、多元智能融入英語教學 (一) 多元智能創意英語教學對學生學習英語有幫助 (二) 分組活動能提供學習鷹架 (三) 由多元智能教學發展多元評量,看見學生的學習歷程和創意 二、創造思考技法融入英語教學 (一) 心智圖法能幫助學生架構知識,同時作為擴散思考的工具 (二) 奔馳法可作為創意故事之引導 (三) 腦力激盪能激發學生更多的思考The purpose of the study is to develop a creative multiple intelligence English teaching program for junior high school students by adopting creative thinking skills, such as brainstorming, mind mapping and SCAMPER. The researcher hopes to have a better understanding of students’ learning effects during the teaching process through classroom observation, students’ feedback and portfolio. The difficulties, solutions and professional growth during the research are included. Constructive suggestions for teachers and further studies are also expected. The study uses methods of action research. The subjects of the study are seventh graders in a junior high school. Data was collected by teacher’s reflective journals, students’ feedbacks, interviews, worksheets and homework. Qualitative descriptions were adopted to record the teaching activities and results. The results of the study are as follows: I. Applying Multiple Intelligence teaching method i. Creative Multiple Intelligence English teaching boosts students’ English learning ii. Group work gives students learning scaffolding, and flexible grouping is needed. iii. Develop Multiple Assessment by multiple activities to see students learning process, and appreciate students learning potential and creativity. II. Applying Creative Thinking Skills into English teaching i. The teaching technique of mind mapping is good for students to construct the framework of knowledge, and to use as divergent thinking techniques. ii. The teaching technique of SCAMPER can be a guidance of rewriting the story. iii. The teaching technique of brainstorming can evoke students thinking.多元智能心智圖法腦力激盪奔馳法創意英語教學Multiple IntelligenceBrainstormingMind mappingSCAMPERCreative English teaching國中英語多元智能創意教學行動研究The Action Research on Creative Multiple Intelligence English Teaching for Junior High School Students