張蓓莉蘇芳柳2014-10-272014-10-271996-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/17421本研究之主要目的在比較聽覺障礙學生從不同角度讀話的結果。研究樣本來自北市八所國小啟聰班和資源班五到六年級學生計三十名。研究工具為從正面(零度)與側面( 45度)拍攝的讀話能力測驗。受試以校別隨機分為兩組,依對抗平衡方式接受兩份讀話能力測驗。研究結果發現聽覺障礙學生從正面及側面讀話的結果沒有顯著差異。因此建議教師在安排聽覺障礙生的座位時,不一定要讓學生坐在老師的正前方,只要在能見到教師側面四十五度的範圍內即可。在進行讀話訓練時,不一定只練習從說話者正面讀話,也可練習側面的角度。The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of different viewing angles on speechreading performances of hearing-impaired students. Subjects were 30 five-and six-graders who came from eight special classes and resource programs of primary schools in Taipei City. They lipread two sets of The Speechreading Test, which were made by shooting a speaker from two different angles--the front (0 degree) and 45 degrees. There were no significant differences in speechreading performances between two different viewing angles. Recommendations to speechreading training and arranging seats in classrooms were mentioned.聽覺障礙讀話角度Hearing impairmentSpeechreadingAngle比較國小聽覺障礙學生從不同角度讀話結果之研究The Effects of Different Viewing Angles on Speechreading Performances of Primary Schoolers with hearing Impairment