賴文鳳蘇玉枝2019-08-282008-8-262019-08-282008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0092062004%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86826  本研究以國內所出版的50本幼兒圖畫故事書為研究樣本,以內容分析法分析圖晝書中的同儕衝突起因、解決目標與解決策略類型,同時希望能瞭解圖畫書中同儕衝突起因與解決策略、以及解決目標與解決策略之間的關聯性,並進一步探討歐美國家與亞洲國家所出版的圖畫書之文化差異與同儕衝突起因、解決目標與解決策略之間的關聯。研究之主要發現如下: 一、同儕衝突起因、解決目標與解決策略的類型 (一)同儕衝突起因以「價值觀不同」出現的次數最多,其次為「違反規則」,第三為「爭奪權力」。「肢體衝突」則未出現。 (二)解決目標以「滿足個人需求」出現次數最多,其次為「使同儕難過」,第三是「為同儕著想」。 (三)解決策略以「語言主張」佔最多數,其次為「利社會行為」,而「肢體動作」排第三。以「提出交換條件」策略的出現次數最少。 二、同儕衝突起因與解決策略之間有顯著相關。 三、同儕衝突解決目標與解決策略之間有顯著相關。 四、文化差異與同儕衝突起因、解決目標與解決策略的關聯性方面,研究結果顯示文化差異與幼兒圖畫書中的同儕衝突起因並無顯著關係,然而文化差異與解決目標以及解決策略之間卻有顯著相關。   根據本研究結果給予教育工作者與家長的建議亦包含在本研究論文中。This study aims to understand how picture books published in Chinese relate causes of peer conflicts, goals of conflict resolutions, and strategies to resolve conflicts. The study also intends to understand cultural differences in how authors of different countries depict relationship among causes of peer conflicts, goals of conflict resolutions, and strategies to resolve resolutions. Samples of the study include 50 picture books written by Asian (including Taiwanese) and Western authors. Content analyses and Chi square analyses were carried out to discern the correlation among three variables (causes of peer conflicts, goals of conflict resolutions, and strategies to resolve conflicts) and to understand the cultural differences. The major findings are as following. 1.Types of cause of peer conflict, goals of conflict resolution, and strategies to resolve conflicts: (1)The most frequent cause of conflict is “different value judgment,” followed by “violating rules,” and “fighting for power.” “Physical conflict” does not appear. (2)The most frequent goal of conflict resolution is “satisfying personal needs,” followed by “invoking sadness of peers,” and “empathy.” (3)The most frequent strategy to resolve conflicts is “assertion in language,” followed by “pro-social behaviors,” and “physical strategy.” “Bribing” occurs least. 2.Causes of peer conflicts and strategies to resolve conflicts significantly correlate. 3.Goals of conflict resolutions and strategies to resolve conflicts also significantly correlate. 4.There is no significant correlation between culture and causes of peer conflicts. However, there is significant correlation between culture and goals of conflict resolution, and between culture and strategies to resolve conflicts. The implications of the findings to educators and parents are also discussed in the study.同儕衝突圖畫書幼兒peer conflictpicture booksyoung children幼兒圖畫故事書中同儕的衝突起因、解決目標與解決策略之類型與相互關係研究The Study of Causes of Peer Conflicts, Goals of Conflict Resolutions, and Strategies to Resource Conflicts Depicted in Picture Books