周賢彬Chou, Shyan-Bin翁千琛Wong, Cian-Chen2019-09-052019-02-272019-09-052019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060468014T%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103078臺灣服飾業百家爭鳴,品牌與各種工作室林立,在這電子商務興起的時代,消費者常常在無法接觸實體的情況下決定購買與否。網路上的行銷與設計對客戶的購買意願有非常大的影響,也使得網路上所搭建的品牌形象格外重要。從服裝的實拍照、模特兒的形象照、官網的整體風格、品牌故事與商品包裝,在這些行銷包裝中無一不影響著購買者的決定。 本研究目標為建立一套品牌的應用。研究架構可分三個部分:首先,透過文獻探討針對品牌、企業識別視覺系統和臺灣流行女裝產業現況三個方向做分析,了解該領域的歷史脈絡與發展現況。第二,針對臺灣目前的服飾品牌的LOGO設計與該牌的商品定位找出關聯性,最後,針對目前市場上的服飾品牌有應用文要素的行銷,做個案分析,並比較各個品牌的結合文學的方式。 最終,設計一套能使服飾與「文學」相結合的行銷的手法,並求深入與充分利用文學意涵,將不同文學作品原有的意涵結合衣服之特色,塑造衣服本身以外之意涵,以求突出與其他品牌定位之不同。In recent years, Taiwanese fashion industry is very popular. There are many brands and studios in the fashion industry. In this age of E-commerce, consumers spend less in physical stores. Marketing and design on the Internet have a great impact on customers’ purchase intentions. The brand image on the Internet is important From the overall style of merchandise, image, and official website, these visual performances influence the buyer's decision. The purpose of this study is to integrate "literature" into brand vision. Match the "This" brand concept, this study is to design a strong brand design. This study has three parts. First, analyze the two directions of the vision system based on the literature and the brand. Second, analyze the visual design of the current fashion industry in Taiwan. And discuss how clothing brands on the market are integrating literary elements in various marketing processes. Finally, this study designed the Corporate Identity System of “This”. This Corporate Identity System will convey the brand image of “This”: the wardrobe is your bookcase.服飾電子商務視覺識別系統行銷文學clothingE-commercevisual identity systemsMarketingliterature文學意涵之服飾電商品牌設計Literature Meaning Applied to Design of E-Commerce Brands in Fashion Industry