掌慶維Chang, Ching-Wei孫志輝sun, chih-huei2019-09-052017-7-262019-09-052014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0500303313%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105256本研究旨在探討臺北市某高中體育班學生生涯發展輔導之情形。研究以臺北市某高中體育班為範圍,探討目前體育班學生生涯發展輔導之現況,期能有效促進體育班學生的課業學習、訓練績效、生涯輔導等問題,讓學生在學業、訓練與生活中亦能適性發展。研究對象為臺北市某高中體育班,學生、導師、輔導老師、教練等十三位,進行個別訪談。在資料分析上採質性半結構式訪談法進行資料蒐集。 研究結果為:一、學科基礎差距過大、術科方面參與訓練比賽的時間過多,間接造成學習情形的低落。二、1.規劃: 體育專長相關結合的工作為導向,術科是體育班學生重要立足點。2. 策略:揚長,保持競爭優勢關注學生來源和畢業後生涯發展產出端情形。避短,監視不利生涯發展因素。三、維持競爭力,加強術科的技能。提升效率避免影響應有的學業學習,應正向且力求平衡,不偏頗任一角色。 建議為:一、增設生涯發展相關課程提供多元化参考。二、暢通溝通管道凝聚體育班發展共識。三、協助克服體育班訓練比賽缺漏的應有教學進度。四、評估學生運動員角色落實分級制。五、 提升競爭力因應多變的社會趨勢,發展自我實現。Student Athlete’s Career Development Counseling in Sport Elite Class: A Case Study of a Taipei Municipal High School June, 2014 Author:Sun,Chih-Huei Advisor:Chang, Ching-Wei Abstract The study investigated a counseling case of student athlete’s career development in sport elite classes of a senior high school. 13 participants who studying or working in the Taipei Municipal High School, included students, teachers, counseling teachers, and coaches. Data collection were used by semi-structured interview. Results showed that 1. The differences of the studying foundation and spending too much time on sports training, which made students not good at studying; 2. Sports training was an important foothold for students who study in sport elite classes, students could work professionally in the future; 3. Maintaining among competitiveness, sports training and academic performance should be positive and balance. Future suggestions were also provided in the end of the study. Keywords: sport elite class, student athlet, career development體育班學生運動員生涯發展輔導sport elite classstudent athletcareer development高中體育班學生生涯發展輔導之個案研究以-臺北市某高中為例elA Case Study of Students’ Career Development Counseling in Sport Elite Class Education – Take a Taipei Municipal High School for Example