翟宗悌Zong-Ti Jhai2019-08-122019-08-122015-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/81604作者透過在啟聰學校帶領高中女生戀愛團體諮商的過程,探索聽障/聾人青少女在戀愛上的需求及適合的介入方式。結果發現戀愛帶給聽障女孩正負向併陳的感受,她們期待瞭解異性,並意識到戀愛或婚姻關係中的雙重不公平;領導者能尊重並鼓勵她們表達,協助她們參與團體協商時,可促使她們自決並發揮能力,有助於增進戀愛能力。The aim of the study is to explore the needs of deaf teenage girls for love, as well as the proper intervention for them through the author’s leading experience of the romantic relationship counseling group in a deaf school. The results indicate that deaf girls have various feelings toward love, are eager to know boys more, and aware of the double oppression of sexism and audism in intimate relationships. When the group leaders can respect girls, encourage them to express themselves, and help them to join the negotiating process in the group, they can make their own decisions and exhibit their capabilities; all these experiences can improve their romantic competence.聽障戀愛青少女團體諮商deafgirlgroup counselinghearing-impairedromantic relationships聽障∕聾人青少女戀愛關係團體諮商之初探A Preliminary Study of the Romantic Relationship Counseling Group Project with Deaf Teenage Girls in a Deaf School