邱瓊慧Chiu, Chiung-Hui周明鴻Chou, Ming-Hong2022-06-082026-09-282022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/a94464af62032fc9e83e94d6df3ba649/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118491本研究旨在建置一個基於線上社交動機因素的影音社群平台與評估其成效,並進一步探討人格特質傾向是否影響國小高年級學生的影音社交互動行為。本研究之系統發展流程採用螺旋式開發模式,首先,透過需求評估、專家訪談,歸納出符合社交動機因素之系統核心功能。其次,於雛形建置完成後,邀請六位國小高年級學生進行測試,記錄學生操作過程中發生的問題,以改善系統異常狀況。最後,邀請新北市某國小95位六年級學生參與影音內容分享學習活動,以測試影音社群平台及進行系統評估。本研究建置之平臺以內容管理系統(Content Management System, CMS)Wordpress所提供的開放原始碼作為系統開發之基礎,並搭配PHP為開發語言編修後端程式,再以HTML和CSS撰寫使用者介面與樣式。影音社群平台包含動態、通知、訊息、好友、社團、等級制度等六大核心功能,使用者可於影音社群平台中貢獻影片並進行社交互動。經使用者測試及系統評估,本系統依據社交動機因素建置的功能,參與學生皆認同其在感受程度上符合社交動機因素,並能夠促進他們的貢獻行為與社交互動。研究者建議未來建置的影音社群平台應具備社交互動功能,例如,留言功能、好友功能、訊息功能等。此外,本研究也發現國小高年級學生的人格特質傾向和影音社交互動行為無顯著相關,且學生的人格特質傾向性高和傾向性低對於影音社交互動行為沒有顯著差異。The objectives of this study were to build a social video platform based on online social motivational factors, evaluate its effectiveness, and further explore if personality traits affected the online social behavior of senior elementary school students when facing with audio-visual media. The system development process of this study adopted a spiral mode. First, through assessing needs and interviewing experts, the researchers were able to summarize the core functions of the system that conformed to social motivation factors. Furthermore, after building the prototype, six senior elementary school students were invited to test and record any problems with the operations. The problems were recorded and served as a way to improve the system. Finally, 95 sixth-grade students from a primary school in Xinbei City were invited to participate in audio-visual content sharing and learning activities to test the platform and conduct a systematic evaluation.The platform was built based on the open source code provided by the Content Management System (CMS) WordPress, and the backend program was coded with PHP as the development language, and then the user interface and style were written with HTML and CSS. The social video platform included six core functions, including dynamic status, notification, message, friends, community, and classification hierarchy. Users could contribute videos and interact with each other on this system. The participating students all felt that the system conformed to social motivational factors and promoted their online contributions and social interaction. It is therefore suggested that a social video platform should support social interaction functions, such as messaging, connecting, commenting etc. In addition, this study found that there was no significant correlation between the personality traits and the social behaviors on social video platforms of senior elementary school students, and there was no significant difference in the online social behaviors between the students with high and low personality traits.社交動機因素影音社群平台內容貢獻行為人格特質Social motivational factorsSocial video platformcontent contribution behaviorPersonality trait基於線上社交動機因素之影音社群平台的設計與建置Design and Implementation of Social Video Platform Based on Online Social Motivational Factors成果連同技術報告(應用科技類)