李振明Lee Jimmy張敏浩Chang Min-Hao2020-12-102018-4-182020-12-102013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0099603116%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115070本研究從陶的意象意涵出發,探討物象再現的水墨趣味,試圖將陶的器形與繪畫圖像發生關聯,並跨越純藝術領域,從心理學、社會學角度切入,探討個人思想受社會氛圍感染的心理變化現象。 筆者以現代生活中較常見的陶器造形為主要符號進行水墨畫創作,使現代常見的陶器造形融入水墨畫中成為主要描繪的對象,彰顯出現代水墨畫的趣味與美感。 在緒論中闡述了研究動機及目的等,並將本文的重要詞彙加以定義。第二章探討水墨畫的墨趣與造形藝術表現。第三章以陶瓷器造形作為主軸,探討畫作中關於陶瓷器的描繪並說明陶瓷器圖像的主要象徵意涵。第四章創作內涵與形式,作者從畫面組構與視覺焦點的營造,畫面經營位置與空間布白的運用,水墨材質肌理與色彩的再探,來說明創作的形式與媒材和個人的創作意念。第五章創作理念與作品分析。說明創作理念經研究落實與產出作品的由來,藉由作品闡述省察個人理念。第六章結論。除整理歸納個人創作之理念與心情,更期許自己能在創作上有所突破與繼續發展之。This research starts with the meanings of images of pottery, discussing the reproduction of ink paintings’ taste, and trying to connect the shapes of pottery with the images. Also, leaping over pure art domain, and discussing the phenomenon how personal theme was influenced by social atmosphere and how they were changed psychologically from psychological and sociological angles. The author used the commoner modeling of pottery in our modern lives as the major symbol to carry out the creation of ink paintings to merge it into the paintings and to become the major objects to display the taste and beauty of modern ink paintings. The preface expounded on the motivation and objectives of the research and identified the important terms in the text. Discussing the taste of ink paintings and display of modeling art in chapter two. Chapter three: Using the modeling of pottery as the core to discuss the perspectives of the pottery and illustrate the major symbolizing image of pottery. Chapter four: an artistic creation of connotation and form. The author used the building from the structure of general appearances of pictures and the visual focuses: the arranged positions of general appearances of paintings and manipulation of leaving blank on the ink paintings; discussion the relationship between skin texture of source materials of ink paintings and the colors to interpret the forms of creation and source materials and personal ideas. Chapter five: concepts of creating and work analysis. To explain the concept carried out of some workable researches and the origins of the artwork production; meanwhile, critically examining personal perspectives. Chapter six: conclusion. Expecting further more breakthrough and going along with it besides arranging and summing up personal concepts and moods of creating.陶瓷造形意象現代水墨PotteryShapeImagesModern Ink Paintings陶醉人生─張敏浩水墨創作論述Pottery and Life-Interpretation of Creation of Ink Paintings by Chang Min-Hao