國立臺灣師範大學英語學系丁仁2015-01-292015-01-292004/08-20http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/44109「所」字結構是困擾古漢語學界的老問題(見姚振武(1998))。而許多學者(參屈承熹 (1987), Chiu (1995))也注意到現代漢語中殘留著古漢語「所」字結構的痕跡。本人在 2003 年出版的論文中,詳細論證「所」應分析為弱代詞(pronominal clitic),其衍生過程 與拉丁語系(Romance languages) 弱代詞相似,都必須採核心語移動(head movement),向 上提升至INFL。而移動過程必須受到核心語移動限制(head movement constraint)及空範 疇定律(ECP)的節制。採取比較語言學的觀點來研究弱代詞「所」,是將漢語語法研究 與世界其他自然語言的研究接軌。憑藉漢語與其他語言相似及相異的語法表現,吾人不 但可從而探知漢語語法的內部結構,也可進而對普遍語法(universal grammar)的運作機制 提出支持或修正。本研究計畫的目的即是延續本人對現代漢語「所」字結構的分析(見 Ting(2003)),對其語法形式與功用做更進一步之探討。具體而言,本計畫擬進行三年, 由以下三項議題來進行全面且系統性的研究:(1) 弱代詞「所」爬升現象(climbing)的機 制 (2)弱代詞「所」對漢語否定詞分析的含蘊意義,進而提出一個對漢語否定詞的分析 (3) 弱代詞「所」的語法功用及其對句法與其他領域介面的含蘊意義。研究方法將採質 量並重原則,自語料庫及文本中收集自然語料,全盤性、有系統地探討上述之研究主題。 然後再利用這些語料呈現的結果,來探測當前多家理論對弱代詞的不同分析,進而提出 一個能真正解釋弱代詞特徵的機制。本計畫希望改進形式語法學常為人詬病之不自然語 料問題,因此擬由三位研究助理由大量文本中建立研究材料。在學術及應用方面之預期 成果與具體貢獻如下: 1. 針對理論層面而言,本研究成果將釐清弱代詞的爬升機制,有助於吾人瞭解核心語移 動時所受到的制約,及漢語各種非限定子句之結構;確立漢語否定詞之結構位置,有助 於吾人對漢語功能範疇之瞭解;及探索漢語句法與體裁、修辭、韻律各方面的互動關係, 增進吾人對句法與其他領域介面 (interface)之瞭解。 2.建立一小型現代漢語「所」字結構各語型語料庫,提供語言學學者及語言教學者或學 習者做研究及參考之用。 3. 研究成果可在對外華語教學上有所助益,提供教學者與學習者對漢語各種非限定子句 句型、否定句型、及體裁、修辭、韻律各方面運用規律之瞭解。 4. 研究成果也將撰寫成論文,投稿於SSCI 或AHCI 期刊。The suo construction is a long-lasting issue in Classical Chinese (see Yao (1998)). It has also been observed (Chu (1987), Chiu (1995)) that suo in modern Chinese is a remnant from its Classical counterpart. Ting (2003a) argues that suo is a pronominal clitic, adjoined to I0 from its N0 position in a head movement fashion, on a par with pronominal clitics in Romance languages. In this project, I will pursue this line of research to further examine the form and function of the pronominal clitic suo in modern Chinese. The whole project is scheduled to spend three years on the following three topics respectively: (1) the climbing mechanism of the clitic suo (2) the implications revealed by the fact that suo can occur to the left of negative particles, based on which the structural positions of negative particles in modern Chinese are further investigated (3) the functions of the clitic suo, which have implications on the interface between syntax and other areas like register and phonological prosody. Our research method will focus on extracting language patterns from a big amount of natural texts, in hope of improving the often-criticized 「data」 problem of the formal approach. The expected results and contributions are as follows: 1. In the theoretic perspective, the results will enhance our understanding of the constraints imposed on head movement, of the internal structures of non-finite clauses, of the structural positions of negative particles in modern Chinese, of the nature of interfaces between syntax and other areas like style and phonological prosody. 2. The result will establish a corpus of different patterns of the clitic suo for the use of linguistics researchers, language instructors and language students. 3. The results will help with the instruction of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language. 4. The results will be published in international SSCI or AHCI journals.弱代詞核心語移動功能範疇非限定子句否定詞韻律詞pronominal cliticshead movementfunctional categorynon-finite clausenegative particlesprosodic word現代漢語“所”字之句法形式與功用研究On the Form and Function of the Particle Suo in Modern Chinese