劉宏文張惠博2014-10-272014-10-271997-11-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/7842傳統上,科學教師對科學知識的看法,仍然沿襲十九世紀以來邏輯實證主義對知識的主張,將科學知識視為客觀存在的事實。持此信念的教師,在進行課室教學時,往往採用講述法來呈現科學知識。認為教師只要口齒清晰,語詞生動,內容條理分明,並輔以課後的反覆練習與考試,即能達到科學教學的目的。本文透過對某位國中理化教師課室教學的觀察,一方面探討教師所呈現的科學知識與科學本質的關係,另一方面則討論了講述法本身對知識的立場,及知識傳達的侷限性。將科學教學由知識的傳達與獲取的觀點,擴增為統整與應用的層面,學生才能有真正理解的學習。With a traditional way of teaching, Scientific knowledge has been consideered as an objective existed fact which can be transmitted by an well-organized representation. Within such belief held by a large number of expert teachers, they heve paid much mord attention to the subject matter content knowledge to make them acceptable and do more things such as drills, practices….to help their students acquire scientific knowledge and pass the entrance exam of local famous high school. This article discusses the teaching process about a science teacher in a grade 8 class. Without open-inquiry activities and the dynamics of the interaction in science classroom, science knowledge can't be transmitted or be filled by an excellent lecture. Real understanding learning includes not only acquisition of knowledge but also integration and application of knowledge. Students need to integrate the new information with what they already know. They also need to learn how to apply their new knowledge beyond the classroom and connect their knowledge withe their world outside school.科學教育課室教學Science educationTeachingLearning知識的統整與應用The Integration and Application of Knowledge--An Observation of a Science