康台生邱顯能2019-09-052012-1-12019-09-052006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G00H2632006%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/102980「錯視」圖形蘊含著趣味、幽默、矛盾及思考的視覺魅力。自然界的「擬態」是生物生存的法則,一隻枯葉蝶只為了躲避侵略者的目光,演化成枯黃葉子的形狀和逼真的色彩,是大自然中令人驚艷的視覺經驗,也是一幅創作俱佳、精彩絕倫的「錯視」圖形作品。 荷蘭版畫家艾薛爾(M.C.Escher)的精采作品「上升與下降」,永遠有走不完的階梯,卻也永遠上不去、下不來,這圖形已將平面透視幽默一下。錯視圖形帶領我們進入另外一個世界,藉由平面與空間轉換似乎又進入不同的世界,這當中不需要藉助交通工具、也不用透過電腦高科技虛擬,僅需仰賴我們的想像力便能夠自由馳騁。錯視圖形在眾多表現中經常應用在設計實務上,如廣告、海報、插畫、商標等設計作品甚為豐富多變、極富想像力,在許多的科學物理展覽中也常發現錯視圖形的蹤跡。 以兒童圖畫書做為創作平台,是本論文研究創作的初探,重點不在探討錯視的成因,而是如何將「錯視」圖形運用在兒童圖畫書設計上。兒童是圖畫書的主要閱讀者,此創作研究以兒童圖畫書為媒介,將錯視圖形予以簡化設計,使圖形更易於溝通解讀,希望有助於兒童對圖像更具敏銳的觀察力、思考力及創造力,並提供更豐富多元的想像空間。“Optical illusions” contain interest, humor, contradiction and vision glamour of thinking. “Mimicry” in Nature is the rule that living beings survive. Merely to avoid the sight of the invaders, a Kallima inachis formosana Fruhstorfer evolves into the form of a withered leaf and lifelike color which is an amazing vision experience in nature as well as an artistic and splendid “Optical illusions” picture. The most famous structure of Maurits Cornelis Escher, the Dutch artist of woodcuts and wood engravings, is “Ascending and Descending”. There are ladders that never finish walking, going up and coming down. The picture has made a humor on perspective. “Optical illusions” lead us to enter another world. It seems to enter different worlds again with the exchange of flat surface and space wherein neither transportation nor computer high-tech virtual reality is needed among them. Thus we can gallop freely within our imagination. “Optical illusions” are often applied to the practice of changeful and imaginative designing such as advertisements, posters, and illustration trademarks and so on. “Seeing is not always believing?” National Museum of Natural Science in Taichung has held some thematic optical illusions exhibitions which include experiencing the organic stimulus of practical operation full of interesting vision glamour. The traces of “Optical illusions” are often found in many scientific physics exhibitions. The initial search of this dissertation is to take the children’s picture books as the platform of creation with emphasis not in discussion the origin of optical illusion but how will be the “optical illusion” figures utilization in the children’s picture book design. Children are the main readers of picture books which may be differentiated between the written and non-written reading ways according to the age and the difficulty level. This creation research takes the children’s picture books as the medium, simplifies the design of the optical illusion figures to make easy in the communication explanation which hopes to be conducive toward the children to have the keen power of observation, thinking and creativity to the images, and provides abundant multi-dimensional imagination space.錯視視覺兒童圖畫書optical illusionsvisionschildren’s picture book錯視圖形運用於兒童圖畫書設計創作研究Optical illusions applied to the design and creation study of children’s picture books