陳學志Chen, Hsueh-Chih張翠雯Chang,Tsui-Wen2019-09-032023-05-282019-09-032018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0105590198%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/94990本研究旨在探討補習學生知覺教師教學信念、學習動機、學習表現之間之關係。以台北市和新北市補習班之國小高年級至國中九年級為研究對象,計有278人,採取問卷調查法的研究方法,研究工具為「國小學童知覺教師信念量表」及「國中小學習動機量表」,並以期末成績作為學習成效指標。問卷調查所得資料以獨立樣本T檢定、單因子變異數、皮爾森積差相關及階層迴歸分析等統計方法加以處理分析。 研究結果如下: 1. 補習學生知覺教師教學信念無論是在性別、學制或是補習年數其結果都沒有顯著差異。 2. 補習學生的學制對學習動機與學習表現有顯著差異,國小學生的學習動機與學習表現皆會顯著高於國中生;而性別與補習年數對學習動機與學習表現則沒有顯著差異。 3. 補習學生整體知覺教師教學信念與整體學習動機有高度的正相關,學生知覺教師教學信念與學習表現沒有顯著的相關性;整體的學習動機與學習表現具有低度的正相關。 4. 補習學生知覺教師教學信念可以正向預測學習動機,但無法預測學習表現,而學習動機可以正向預測學習表現。 根據上述研究結果,本研究提出對補習業者、補習班教師及進一步研究的建議,以供未來研究之參考。The study was to investigate students’ perception of teachers’ teaching beliefs and their learning motivation and performance in cram schools. The participants in this study were cram school students who were from fifth to ninth grade in Taipei City and New Taipei City. There were 278 students in total. The research method was questionnaire method. The research instruments were "Scale of Primary School Students' Perception of Teachers' Beliefs" and " Leaning Motivation Scale of Primary and Junior High School Students." Final grades were regarded as learning outcome indicators. Questionnaires were used and the data were analyzed by independent sample T-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and Hierarchical regression analysis with SPSS statistical software. The research results were listed below: 1. There were no significant differences on the perception of teachers' teaching beliefs among gender, educational system, and the number of years they had been to cram schools. 2. The educational system of cram school made differences appear on learning motivation and performance. The learning motivation of primary school students were significantly higher than junior high school students, and their learning performance were also significantly better than junior high school students. While gender and the number of years they had been to cram school made no differences on learning motivation and performance. 3. There was a strong positive correlation between cram school students who perceived teaching beliefs of teachers and learning motivation of all. However, there was no significant relationship between cram school students who perceived teaching beliefs of teachers and learning performance. There was a weak correlation between learning motivation and learning performance of all. 4. Learning motivation was able to be positively predicted based on cram school students who perceived teaching beliefs of teachers, but learning performance, on the other hand, was not able to be predicted. Learning performance was able to be predicted based on learning motivation. According to the results listed above, this research raises suggestions for cram schools, cram school teachers, and further research. This can be provided as reference for research in the future.補習班教師教學信念學習動機學習表現cram schoolteacher's teaching belieflearning motivationlearning performance補習班的國中小學生知覺教師教學信念與學習動機、學習表現之關聯性研究A Study on the Relevance Between Primary and Junior High School Students’ Perception of Teachers’ Teaching Beliefs and Learning Motivation and Learning Performance in Cram Schools