陳佩英Chen, Pei-ying林美芳Lee, Mei-Fang2019-08-292022-09-012019-08-292017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0503002202%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92551中文摘要 研究者擔任教務主任10年,參與推動臺北市教學輔導教師制度12年。本研究以臺北市四所國中、四位教學輔導教師與二位夥伴老師為對象,採質性研究取向,針對教學輔導教師服務領導之經驗進行研究。在半結構式的深度訪談之後,就其訪談資料佐以文件檔案,進行整理分析,本研究確實發現教學輔導老師的服務領導,實踐支持夥伴教師的專業成長,茲將結論臚列如下: 一、瞭解教學輔導教師的教育信念、人格特質,從她們的故事,確實發現教學輔導教師共同點:樂於分享、熱情活力、有責任感和敏銳的觀察力,是投身於輔導的動力,達於服務領導「成就他人,造就自己」的目的 。 二、探究教學輔導教師對夥伴的關係,發現教學輔導教師確實能夠支持夥伴教師,其相互關係由磨合、信任、引領、輔導循序漸進,同時也提升夥伴老師教學及班級經營等專業的能力,因此教學輔導教師對夥伴老師確實有所影響,對於教師專業成長確實有所裨益。 三、臺北市國中教學輔導教師的服務領導,落實先服務後領導的精神,確實啟動教師專業成長的對話,履行專業示範,並擅用輔導的專業技能,是專業社群的推手。因此教學輔導教師確實發揮服務領導的實踐意義,展現服務奉獻的精神,是「人生以服務為目的」的實踐者。 四、研究者根據研究結論,再做建議,做為相關單位及後續研究的參考。The researcher had been the director of academic affairs for 10 years and has devoted in Mentoring Beginning Teachers (MBT) Program for 12 years. Based on semi-structured interview and documentary research, this qualitative study included 4 mentoring teachers and 2 beginning teachers in four Taipei junior high schools as the participants, to explore their experiences of operating the MBT Program. The followings are the results of the study. 一、The results indicated that mentoring teachers have shared some common characteristics in terms of their faith in education and personalities. They displayed strong willingness and great passion to share and had high sense of responsibilities and keen observation as well. They played crucial roles to motivate the MBT Program and achieved the goal of the servant leadership, ‘to serve first.’ 二、In terms of teachers’ interaction in the MBT Program, the results showed that the mentoring teachers have positively influenced on the beginning teachers. Their interaction underwent different steps—they had conflict first and then trusted each other and consequently made progresses through learning and counseling. The experiences of mentoring teachers also benefited the beginning teachers regarding their professional growth and ability of class managements. 三、The operation of the MBT Program in Taipei junior high schools fulfills the spirit of the servant leadership. The MBT Program has played a good part to bridge the communication between mentoring and beginning teachers, implement professional demonstrations, and serve a good function of counseling. To sum up, the mentoring teacher serves as a servant at school and is a real ‘servant-leader.’ 四、There are still some limitations in this study and some significant results could be explored further in the future study.服務領導教學輔導教師教師專業成長Servant leadershipMentoring Beginning Teachers ProgramTeachers’ Professional Growth臺北市國中教學輔導教師服務領導經驗之研究Investigating the experiences of mentor-Teachers with servant leadership perspective in Taipei Junior High Schools