朱文增Wen-Tseng Chu張國森Chang Kuo Sen2019-09-052013-01-012019-09-052012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0098312119%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107561隨著時代的進步、知識的提昇與消費者意識的抬頭,市場以顧客為導向,因此瞭解市場趨勢、顧客需求才能做出適切合宜的改變,在競爭中生存並創造利基。本研究旨在探討金門地區旅遊市場的遊客行為,瞭解遊客特性、旅遊動機、滿意度與重遊意願的現況及差異情形,並探討各變項間的關係。以「金門地區遊客旅遊動機、滿意度與重遊意願調查問卷」為研究工具,2012年3月至4月間採便利抽樣方式對台灣及大陸遊客進行問卷調查,發放問卷500份,回收有效樣本413份。 主要的研究發現為:一、兩地遊客在人口統計變項與遊客特性上的分佈情形都很類似,男女比例相當,20歲~39歲佔五成,以受過高等教育已婚的上班族群為多數。二、台灣遊客對旅遊動機的排序前三項為「參觀戰爭遺跡」、「進行歷史古蹟探索」、「參觀閩南傳統聚落建築」;大陸遊客為「參觀閩南傳統聚落建築」、「豐富自己的旅遊經驗」、「想要讓身心放鬆紓解壓力和緊張」。台灣遊客對滿意度的排序前三項為「整體環境安全與整潔度」、「歷史文化古蹟」、「戰地風情特色」;大陸遊客為「自然生態景觀」「金門居民對遊客態度」、「對金門的旅館設備與服務」。重遊意願兩地遊客均高達80%以上。三、兩地遊客不同「性別」、「年齡」、「教育程度」、「職業」、「平均約收入」、「希望下次來金旅遊方式」等項在旅遊動機上均有顯著差異。四、兩地遊客不同「性別」、「職業」、「平均約收入」、「旅遊天數」等項在滿意度上均達到顯著差異。五、兩地遊客不同「旅遊方式」在重遊意願上達到顯著差異。六、兩地遊客在旅遊動機與滿意度之間呈顯著正相關。七、兩地遊客在滿意度與重遊意願之間呈顯著正相關。With the progress of the times, the enhancement of knowledge and the rise of consumer awareness and market customer-oriented, so understanding the market trends, customer needs to make appropriate suit should change, and create a niche to survive in the competition.The purpose of this study was to investigate the Kinmen tourism market of tourists' behavior, to understand visitor characteristics, travel motivations, satisfaction and revisit the wishes of the current situation and the differences and to explore the relationship between the variables. "Kinmen tourists travel motivation, satisfaction and revisit the wishes survey questionnaire"as a research tools, from 2012 March to April adopted convenience sampling, questionnaire on the Taiwan and mainland tourists, issuing questionnaires 500 effective samples 413 copies. The main findings: First, the two tourists in the distribution of demographic variables and characteristics of tourists are very similar to female ratio, 20-year-old to 39 years old accounted for 50% received higher education married office worker groupmajority. Second, three former Taiwanese tourists on the sort of travel motivation as "to visit the ruins of war ", "the historical monuments to explore" and "visit the traditional Fujianese settlement building"; The first three in the sort of mainland tourists as "to the tourist motivation to visit the traditional Fujianese settlement construction" , "to enrich their travel experiences" and " want to allow relaxation to relieve stress and tension" ; The first three Taiwanese tourists on the sort of satisfaction as " the overall environment of safety and cleanliness", "historical and cultural monuments" and "characteristics of a battlefield"; mainland tourists as "to the natural ecological landscape", "the attitude of Kinmen residents to tourists" and "Kinmen hotel equipment and services" ; Revisiting the wishes of the two tourists up to 80%. Third, the two visitors "gender", "age", "education level", "occupation", "an average of about income", "I hope that next time the Kinmen way to travel." there were significant differences in travel motivations. Fourth, the two visitors "gender", "occupation", "an average of about income", "tourism days" and other satisfaction there were significant differences in satisfaction. Five, the two visitors " different way to travel "on revisiting willingness to reach a significant difference. Sixth, the two visitors was a significant positive correlation between travel motivation and satisfaction. Seventh, the two visitors was a significant positive correlation between satisfaction and revisiting willingness.金門旅遊動機滿意度重遊意願Kinmentravel motivationsatisfactionrevisiting willingness金門地區遊客旅遊動機、滿意度與重遊意願相關之研究Related research of Kinmen tourists travel motivation, satisfaction and revisiting willingness