王秀玲Wang, Hsiu-Ling宋佳靜Sung, Chia-Ching2022-06-082022-01-252022-06-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/6200e46fdc0837a1498b58a4e4150fbe/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/117492本研究旨在探討如何運用班級經營的規劃與實施,促進國中生自主學習。研究方法採質性取向的行動研究,以課堂觀察、半結構訪談、學生問卷、文件分析等方式蒐集資料,透過二階段的教學行動循環歷程,引導協助學生自主學習能力的發展。 研究結論如下: 一、實施會考自主學習方案,引導學生訂定讀書計畫、設定個人學習目標,有 效促進學生自主學習。 二、建立課前自學預習、課堂小組學習、課後複習與家庭作業等的班級自主學 習常規,有效促進學生自主學習。 三、營造「學習投入的班級氣氛」與「互賴支持的人際關係」的班級自主學習 環境,有效促進學生自主學習。 最後,本研究依據結論提出建議,提供國中教師促進學生自主學習的班級 經營、以及未來研究的參考。 關鍵字:自主學習、班級經營、國中生The main aim of this study was to explore how to use the planning and implementation of class management to promote self-regulated learning of ujnior high school students. A qualitative action research approach was conducted to elicit data needed. Through classroom observation, semi-structured interviews, student questionnaires, document analysis, data were collected and analysed, research findings were listed as follows:1. Implement the self- regulated learning plan for the comprehensive assessment program, guide students to formulate reading plans and set personal learning goals, can effectively promote the development of students' SRL ability. 2. Establish self-regulated learning routines through previewing the teaching materials, student team learning, review after class to clarify the concept and homeworks, can effectively promote the development of students' SRL ability. 3. Create a support students self-regulated learning environment of"class atmosphere of learning engagement" and " positive interdependence ", can effectively promote the development of students' SRL ability. Finally, based on the findings, suggestions for the junior high school teachers' classroom management to promote students' SRL ability and future research. Keywords: self-regulated learning, SRL, classroom management, junior high school students自主學習班級經營國中生self-regulated learningSRLclassroom managementjunior high school students促進國中生自主學習之行動研究Action Research to Promote Self-Regulated Learning ofJunior High School Students學術論文