柯皓仁黃品舜Huang, Pin-Shun2019-08-282018-08-312019-08-282018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060415007E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89036本研究在探究桃園市立圖書館龍岡分館作為第三場域與建築設計,對於大 眾日常使用的感受。以桃園市立圖書館龍岡分館使用者為研究對象,分為使用者使用頻率、桃園市立圖書館龍岡分館作為第三場域及其建築設計三個面向進行分析。 本研究採取立意抽樣之問卷調查研究法,從2018 年6月2日至2018年6月7日,以及2018年8月12日、13日及16日到龍岡分館內進行問卷發放,共計回收303份問卷,其中有效問卷為242份。 本研究依據問卷分析結果,提出六項結論: (一)桃園市立圖書館龍岡分館的使用者以中壢區居民為眾,以學生族群為主,且使用者性別以女性居多。 (二)大眾使用桃園市立圖書館龍岡分館之頻率為每週一次與兩次以上為主。 (三)桃園市立圖書館龍岡分館符合第三場域的七個特性:中性的場所、要有平等主義、對話為主要活動、可以方便可及的、保持樸實的、瀰漫著愉快的氣氛、是一處離開家以外的另一個家。 (四)桃園市立圖書館龍岡分館作為第三場域與使用者使用頻率無正相關;桃園市立圖書館龍岡分館使用者使用頻率與建築設計無正相關。 (五)桃園市立圖書館龍岡分館之建築設計符合七大特性:功能性、可用性、多樣性、 互動性、激發性、環境適宜性、安全性。 (六)桃園市立圖書館龍岡分館之建築設計與龍岡分館作為第三場域有正相關。 根據研究結果,提出研究建議: (一)增進桃園市立圖書館龍岡分館與使 用者的聯繫。 (二)設置樂齡學習資源區。 (三)設置明顯的桃園市立圖書館 龍岡分館地標。 關鍵字:公共圖書館分館、使用者、使用頻率、第三場域、建築設計This study aims to explore the third place and architectural design for the daily use of the public through Taoyuan Public Library Longgang Branch. It takes the users of Taoyuan Public Library Longgang Branch as the research object, and it divides into three categories and analyses them: frequency, Taoyuan Public Library Longgang Branch as third place and architectural design. This study adopted questionnaire survey method, questionnaires response collected from Longgang Branch’s users during the period between June 2nd to 6th 2018, and August 12th, 13th and 16th 2018 were analyzed quantitatively. A total of 303 questionnaires were collected, which 242 were valid. Based on the results of questionnaires analysis, there are some conclusions below: Firstly, Taoyuan Public Library Longgang Branch users are mostly the Zhongli District residents, and they are mainly students, moreover, most users are female. Secondly, the frequency of the users of Taoyuan Public Library Longgang Branch is mainly once a week and twice or more. Furthermore, results also show that Taoyuan Public Library Longgang Branch meets Oldenburg’s third place seven criteria, including (a) neutral ground, (b) leveler, (c) conversation as main activity, (d) accessibility, (e) low profile, (f) playful mood, and (g) a home away from home. Moreover, Taoyuan Public Library Longgang Branch meets Mcdonald’s the qualities of good library seven criteria, including (a) functional, (b) accessible, (c) varied, (d) interactive, (e) conducive, (f) environmentally suitable, and (g) safe and secure. Lastly, Taoyuan Public Library Longgang Branch as third place and its architectural design are positively correlated. Based on the results of this study, there are some suggestions for Taoyuan Public Library Longgang Branch. First, promote the contact between Taoyuan Public Library Longgang Branch and its users. Furthermore, set the senior citizens learning area. Lastly, set the obvious landmark of Taoyuan Public Library Longgang Branch. Keywords:public library branch、user、frequency、third place、architectural design公共圖書館分館使用者使用頻率第三場域建築設計public library branchuserfrequencythird placearchitectural design公共圖書館第三場域及建築設計影響對大眾使用之研究The Influence of Third Place and Architectural Design of Public Libraries on Usage of People