張明輝Ming-Huei Chang廖婕婷Chieh-Ting Liao2019-08-282010-6-42019-08-282010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697160166%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91289本研究旨在探究臺北縣國民小學特色學校行銷策略之現況、困境與因應作法,最後根據研究結果,提出建議供有關單位及人員之參考。 為達本研究之目的,本研究採問卷調查法及訪談法進行研究,首先蒐集與研讀相關文獻,建立本研究之理論架構,編製「臺北縣國民小學特色學校行銷策略調查問卷」,以及臺北縣特色學校行銷策略之訪談大綱作為研究工具。本研究問卷調查對象係臺北縣內63所國民小學特色學校之校長、主任、組長、教師,共發出567份問卷,回收411份,整體回收率為72.5 %,剔除填答不全等無效問卷68份,總計有效問卷343份,整體可用率為83.5%,問卷處理採SPSS 17.0 for Windows統計套裝軟體進行統計分析。其次,以自編之半結構訪談大綱對臺北縣政府教育局特色學校業務的承辦人員,與臺北縣國民小學已實施特色學校之校長、主任、教師、家長,共計7人進行訪談。 綜合問卷調查及訪談結果發現,獲致以下結論: 一、特色學校行銷功能在於「建立學校形象」、「推廣學校本位特色課程」、「提高家長、社區居民對學校的認同與支持」。 二、特色學校行銷策略理想的決定機制,應為由校務會議討論決定;實際上目前則多由行政人員共同討論決定。 三、特色學校行銷任務編制不一,通常校長扮演統籌規畫的角色,並視行銷業務性質分派給相關處室。 四、特色學校行銷工作主要擔任成員為行政人員、校長、教師、家長、學生、社區居民。 五、特色學校主要行銷對象為家長、志工團體、社區居民、學生、教師;學校多不會主動對企業或廠商募款,多是企業廠商主動贊助。 六、特色學校行銷重點項目主要為學校辦學理念、學校本位特色課程、優質的學習環境、學生表現等。 七、特色學校行銷策略中較重要也較經常被使用的是產品策略與通路策略。 八、不同職務、服務年資、學校地區的學校成員,對特色學校行銷策略認知情形不盡相同;不同職務、服務年資的學校成員,對特色學校行銷策略實施現況的知覺程度不盡相同。 九、行銷策略的實施現況程度皆普遍低於教育人員的認知程度,顯示特色學校行銷策略在實施上仍未臻理想。 十、特色學校行銷策略首應重產品策略;「學校所提供的設施及設備,能滿足學生學習所需」、「發展具有學校特色的學校本位課程」、「建立學校特有風格與口碑」等為較重要也較為常見的產品策略。 十一、價格策略多是一般體制內學校皆有的價格補助措施,特色學校價格策略聚焦於特定面向;「依政府規定標準收費,不另立名目收費」;「學校辦理各項教學相關活動的收費,能考量家長的負擔能力」等為較重要且較常見的價格策略。 十二、學校會針對不同對象善用不同推廣策略;「設置學校、班級網頁、活動看板、布條,公布學校相關訊息」;「舉辦校內運動會、才藝發表會等教學成果展示活動」;「師生代表學校參與地方社區晚會或相關活動表演」等為較重要且較常見的推廣策略。 十三、學校多與其他通路進行策略聯盟;「學校提供人性化服務」、「學校服務供家長、民眾使用便利」為較重要且常見的通路策略。 十四、學校行政人員、教師、家長志工構成學校行銷人員策略藍圖;「教師具備教學專業能力」、「學校家長會與志工團體有行銷熱忱」為較重要且常見的人員策略。 十五、「行政人員工作繁重」、「缺乏學校行銷專責單位」、「校內成員缺乏行銷專業知識」、「欠缺學校行銷相關經費」為特色學校行銷可能與實際面臨之主要困境。 十六、特色學校行銷困境的因應之道,教育行政機關應提供相關資源,查察特色學校實施成效;而學校亦應分擔學校教職員的工作負擔,增派人力或將非營利組織人力納入至學校體系,以減輕成員負擔。 最後,依據本研究所獲之結論,研究者針對教育行政主管機關、學校以及未來研究者提出相關建議。The main purpose of this study was to investigate the fact, difficulties and strategies of school marketing in characteristic elementary schools in Taipei county, in light of results of the study, providing suggestions to educational authorities and schools. The methods adopted for the research were questionnaire survey and interview. Firstly, based on the results drawn from the literature review, a questionnaire named “The questionnaire for school marketing strategies in characteristic elementary schools of Taipei country” was developed. Questionnaires were delivered to principals, managers, group leaders and teachers of 63 characteristic elementary schools in Taipei county. 411of the 567 sent out questionnaires are effective. The statistics software tool used for the questionnaire analysis was SPSS17.0 for Windows. Secondly, 7 of administrators, principals, managers, teachers, parents in characteristic schools of Taipei County were chosen to be interviewed in the way of semi-structure. The conclusions derived from the questionnaire survey, and the interview are as follows 1. The functions of Characteristic school’s marketing are building up school image, promoting school-based curriculum, and raising school identification and supports from parents and communities. 2. The ideal decision mechanism of Characteristic school’s marketing strategies is discussion through school administration meeting. Actually, decision making regarding school marketing is discussion by administrators nowadays. 3. The marketing assignment of organization Characteristic school differs a lot. The principal plays an overall planning role, and his tasks are assigned to divisions based on the job descriptions. 4. Marketing in characteristic school is mainly executed by administrators, principals, teachers, parents, students, and communities 5. Objects of characteristic school marketing are parents, volunteer, communities, students, teachers; schools will not raise fund from enterprise, however, it is enterprise will sponsor spontaneously. 6. The points of characteristic school marketing are the concepts to run a school, school based curriculum, high quality learning circumstances, and student performance. 7. The most important characteristic schools marketing strategy is product strategy and place strategy. 8. The awareness of the recognition about characteristic school marketing strategies in school of members is affected by teacher’s seniority, current position and school district. The awareness of the fact about characteristic school marketing strategies in school of members is affected by teacher’s seniority and current position. 9. The awareness of the characteristic school marketing strategy of school members is lower than the recognition of it, and this reveals characteristic school marketing strategy is not perfect. 10. Characteristic school marketing shall pay great attention to product strategy. There are important and common product strategies, including the facilities which could satisfy students’ learning in school, develop school characteristic of school based curriculum, and build up school unique style and public praise. 11. Price strategy in general schools is mainly a subsidy measure, but price strategy in characteristic school is focusing on specific aspect. There are several important and common price strategies, including the price strategy which is in accordance to government standards, and the tuition charge standard which takes parents’ affordability into account.. 12. The members in school are aimed at distinct objects, using different promotion strategies. The promotional strategies will include advertisement in school or class homepage, bulletin board, banners regarding the athletic meet and accomplishments exhibition, and the participation of representatives of faculties and students in community parties. 13. The members in school will use strategical alliance with other places. Friendly school service, which offers service that enhances the sense of convenience, is a common strategy when it comes to place strategy. 14. The blueprint improvised by school administrators, teachers, parents volunteers would be the personnel strategy by means of teacher teaching proficiency, the enthusiasm in school union and volunteering organizations toward marketing. 15. There are possible and physical difficulties, including the heavy workload on administrators, the lacking of a specific department working on school marketing, the insufficiency of marketing profession in faculties, and limited budget for school marketing. 16. Educational administration authorities should offer resources and supervise outcomes of characteristic schools. Moreover, faculty members should share the workloads, increasing manpower or non-profit organization manpower into school system, to release staff burdens. According to the conclusion, some suggestions were given for educational authorities, schools and future relative researches.特色學校學校行銷學校行銷策略characteristic schoolschool marketingschool marketing strategy臺北縣國民小學特色學校行銷策略之研究The Study of School Marketing Strategies in Characteristic Elementary Schools in Taipei County