湯仁燕Tang, Ren-Yen趙怡鈴Chao, Yi-Ling2019-08-28不公開2019-08-282017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0504004112%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89550  研究者是一位任教國中歷史科的教師,在時間與進度的雙重壓力下,歷史科的教學難以顧及每個學生的學習需求。因應十二年國民基本教育的推動,與適性教育的趨勢下,本研究透過差異化的教學,以學生為中心,旨在探討差異化教學在國中歷史科的建構、歷程與成效,以及對於教師的專業知能產生的省思與成長。本研究採用個案研究方法,以臺北市某國中七年級一個班級進行研究,過程中蒐集學習日誌、課堂觀察、訪談、教師省思札記、問卷調查、平時評量、段考評量等資料,進行分析、討論,以瞭解實施差異化教學後,對於學生產生的成效與改變,並提出研究結論與建議。   經過差異化教學的實踐、資料收集與分析討論,本研究獲致結論如下: 壹、國中社會學習領域歷史科差異化教學之設計規劃與實施要領 一、運用提問促進歷史的「教」與「學」 二、學生的學習能力與學習情形呈現動態發展,教師需時時關注並彈性調整教學 三、營造溫暖正向的學習氛圍,避免標籤文化的產生 四、靈活運用彈性分組,有助於差異化教學的實現 五、豐富的教學策略與多元的課程活動,提供學生更多的可能與發展 貳、國中社會學習領域歷史科差異化教學之實施成效 一、提升學習態度 二、促進學生互動與師生交流 三、增進學習成就 四、縮短學習落差 參、國中社會學習領域歷史科差異化教學之省思 一、教師專業知能的成長 二、歷史教學從課本走入生活 三、欣賞學生的潛能 四、差異化教學的實踐與內化   從本研究的探討與省思中,提供後續相關研究的建議如下: 一、差異化教學從循序漸進、經驗累積開始做起 二、建立教師專業社群,尋求夥伴教師集思廣益 三、讓學生與家長認識差異化教學,親、師、生一同攜手前進 四、尋求學校資源與支持,有助差異化教學的推展 關鍵字:差異化教學、個案研究  The researcher is a junior high school history teacher, who finds that due to both the time constraint and a hectic work schedule, it is difficult to consider the learning needs of each student. In response to the promotion of 12-year basic education and the educational trend of adaptive teaching, this study, through differentiated instruction and the student-centred approach, aims to explore the construction, process, and effect of differentiated instruction in junior high school history teaching, and explore the reflections on and the growth of professional knowledge and skills of teachers. This research employed the case study method, taking the seventh grade classes of a junior high school in Taipei City as its subject. In the process, learning logs, classroom observations, interviews, notes of teachers’ reflection, questionnaires, daily assessments and term assessments were analysed and discussed to understand the results and changes in students after the implementation of differentiated instruction. Finally, conclusions and recommendations were put forward.   Through the practice of differentiated instruction, data collection, and analysis and discussion, this study reached the following conclusions: I. The Principle of Designing and Implementing Differentiated Teaching of History in the Field of Social Studies in Junior High School. 1.Promote the teaching and learning of history through questions. 2.There is a dynamic relation between students’ learning ability and learning conditions, and teachers must pay constant attention to it and accordingly adjust their teaching. 3. Teachers should create a warm and positive learning atmosphere to prevent the emergence of a culture of labelling. 4. Skilful use of flexible grouping facilitates the realization of differentiated instruction. 5. A wealth of teaching strategies and diverse curricular activities provide students with more possibilities and opportunities for development. II. The Effects of Implementing Differentiated Teaching in History in the Field of Social Studies in Junior High School. 1.Improve learning attitude. 2.Promote teacher-student interactions and communications. 3.Enhance learning achievement. 4.Narrow learning gap. III. Reflecting on Differentiated Teaching in History in the Field of Social Studies in Junior High School. 1.Enhance the growth of teachers' professional knowledge and skills. 2.Bring history lessons from textbook to real life. 3.Appreciate student potentials. 4.Practice and internalize differentiated teaching.   Based on the investigation and results of this study, the following recommendations are made for follow-up research: 1. The commencement of differentiated instruction should proceed gradually and requires the accumulation of experience. 2. Professional communities of teachers should be established for sharing of knowledge and experience among fellow teachers for their mutual benefit. 3. Helping students and parents to understand differentiated instruction enables parents, teachers and students to march forward hand in hand. 4. Seeking school resources and support contributes toward promoting differentiated instruction. Keywords: differentiated instruction, case study差異化教學個案研究differentiated instructioncase study國中社會學習領域歷史科差異化教學之個案研究A Case Study on Differentiated Instruction in History Teaching in Junior High School Social Studies