國立臺灣師範大學英語學系林蕙珊2015-01-292015-01-292011-08-011811-8429http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/44256本文從變調和構詞以及句法互動的角度來分析長沙話的連讀變調現象。根據田野調查的語料,本文指出長沙話連讀變調有兩個特點:(一)長沙話同時具有「右重語言」和「左重語言」的特性且連讀變調深受詞法結構之影響;主謂式、動賓式及動補式多涉及前字變調,而偏正式、並列式多涉及後字變調,(二)在三字組的連讀變調現象仁,長沙三字組的變調方向不僅和句法結構無關,變調規則的選用也不全然受詞法結構所規範。長沙話的連讀變調現象極為複雜且特殊。本文將顯示,長沙話複雜的變調方向性對於現存的相關理論帶來了極大的挑戰,也突顯了現有理論的不足。This paper investigates the tone sandhi phenomena in Changsha. The investigation of bi-tonal and tri-tonal sandhi reveals that grammatical relations play an important role in conditioning Changsha disyllabic tone sandhi. Tone sandhi behaviors observed in a subject-predicate, a verb-object or a verb-complement construction is different from those observed in a modifier-head construction or a conjunction construction. In tri-syllabic strings, tone sandhi application directionalities are by and large insensitive to morpho-syntactic structures and mismatch between grammatical relations and correct operations of tone sandhi is sometimes observed. This paper examines a Chinese dialect whose tone sandhi has been long been ignored. The study of the complex tone sandhi phenomena of Changsha helps test theoretical models as well as broaden our understanding to Chinese tone sandhi.長沙話連續變調現象詞法結構句法結構變調方向性音韻與構詞句法介面Changsha tone sandhiGrammatical relationMorpho-syntactic structureDirectionalityInterface長沙連讀變調之謎Changsha Tone Sandhi�