國立臺灣師範大學健康促進與衛生教育學系葉國樑唐孝蘭黃禎貞陳佩君陳美如2014-12-022014-12-022006-12-011561-3852http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/39816研究目的是分析教育部公布之健康與體育學習領域基本理念、課程目標與分段能力指標與環境永續發展教育之關係,分析現行民間版國中教科書內容與環境永續發展教育之關係,探討健康與體育學習領域國中健康教師,對於永續發展教育內涵的認知與需求,並以行動研究與健康教師共同進行編製永續發展教育之教學模組,進行教學實驗、學習效果評量和教學推廣。 研究方法是以九年一貫國民教育階段的第三階段(國中一、二、三年級)學生、健康與體育教師為研究對象,且在教學模組設計過程中,邀請關心環境保護的學生家長參與規劃課程內容,同時充分利用社區資源,以達到學校社區化;完成實驗教學和修正後之教學模組,經由經驗分享和交換心得,作為推廣參考之用。 研究結果顯示國中生的性知識仍偏低。與性知識有顯著意義的變數中,有年級、性別、排名與母親管教方式。國中生在性知識的來源,以老師、學校為主。在性課程需求最高為兩性交往,其次為性方面協助的管道。 結論與建議整體而言,健康與體育學習領域之基本理念、課程目標和第三階段分段能力指標大都具備環境永續發展內涵,建議因應時事的改變,應隨時增修永續發展教學模組的內容。The 9-year joint curriculum was started in 2001 from the first grade in primary schools of Taiwan. After 3 year, the 9-joint curriculum was processed in whole primary and junior high schools. Environment education was one of the 6 main issues for this 9-year joint curriculum. Some parts of the health & physical education curriculum were also closely related with sustainable development education. The purposes of this project were to analyze the relationship between the basic concepts, curriculum goals, ability indicators of the health & physical education field and sustainable development education of environment, and to investigate the relationship between the contents of several textbooks by private companies for health & physical education field and sustainable development education of environment. The purposes of the project were also to understand the cognition & needs of sustainable development education for teachers, and to infuse the knowledge, skill and value of sustainable development education into the curriculum o health and physical education field of the 9-year joint curriculum. The teaching materials of health and physical education domain were selected, and the teaching modules infused the concepts and value of sustainable development education with the method of action research have been developed and evaluated for the reference of teaching after experimental teaching.環境永續發展教育健康與體育教學模組國中健康教師Sustainable development education of environmentHealth & physical educationTeaching moduleHealth teachers of junior high school國中階段健康與體育學習領域之環境永續發展教育內涵與教學效果之研究