余一鳴Yi-MingYu2014-10-272014-10-272012-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/11463本研究以兩個子研究探討影響道德疏離的情境及其背後機制。研究一(N= 194) 以問卷操弄「情境」並測量受試者之「軍事社會化」及「道德疏離」的程度。結果發現在戰時情境下,軍事社會化程度愈高,道德疏離愈高;但在平時情境下,軍事社會化程度愈高,道德疏離程度愈低。研究二(N= 19 7) 進一步探討此一現象之內在機制,結果顯示在戰時情境個體傾向以結果論做為道德、判斷的基礎,在平時情境則傾向以義務論做為道德判斷的基礎。整體而言,本研究顯示-軍事社會化程度和情境對道德疏離有交互作用效果,且此種效果是由於道德判斷的差異所引起,在戰時情境下軍校生以結果論做為道德判斷的基礎,因此有較強的道德疏離傾向.在平時的情境下則回歸以義務論為原則的道德判斷,因此道德疏離傾向較弱。This study used research project consisting of two sub studies to explores the scenario and mechanism sthat of influenceingmoral disengagement and potential moral judgements. The first one Study I used questionnaire to explore manipulate the scenarios of military socialization to examine the effects of the manipulation on the relationships between scenario and panicipants'perception of military socialization and moral disengagement and measured panicipants' degree of militarysocialization. The results showed that during wanime the higher the perceived military socialization, the higher the moral obstnlction disengagement in wartime. However, during peacetime the higher the military socialization , the lower the moral disengagement in peacetime. The results of the second Study 2 one showed that people tend to use teleology as the basis of moral judgement in wartime and tend to deontology during as the basis of moral judgement in peacetime. Furthermore, the impact of moral judgement on moral disengagement were all been verified. Regarding the Interpreting the findings of the current studies, the researcher believe different scenarios effect on have different moral disengagement through its effect on are caused by the differences of moral judgement. In wanime, this is, cadets of military academy used teleology as the basis of moral judgement. In the peacetime, they used regression deontology as the principles of moral judgement for wartime and peacetime, respectively.情境道德判斷道德疏離moral disengagementmoral judgementscenario manipulation「堅守原則」還是「入境隨俗」:情境與軍事社會化對道德疏離與道德判斷的交互作用效果The Interaction Effects ofMilitary Socialization, on MoralJudgemnets, and Moral Disengagement: Interaction ofScenarios.