楊艾琳胡珮玟2019-09-062003-07-012019-09-062002http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2002000015%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/108846本研究以族群為面向,探究國小學生多元文化態度,及其對各族群童謠的偏好。分析影響兩者的個人背景變項,包括族群、性別、年級、在家使用語言情形,及音樂學習經驗,最後探討文化態度和童謠偏好的相關性。 本研究採問卷調查,針對桃園縣原住民國小學童最多的大溪及僑愛兩所國小四、五、六年級學生,以等量及簡單隨機抽樣,選取原住民及非原住民學生各223 人為研究對象。首先探討文化與音樂的關係、多元文化音樂教育、童謠、族群態度、音樂偏好等相關文獻;接著根據文獻探討結果,以研究者設計之「多元文化態度量表」及「族群童謠偏好量表」為研究工具,由研究者親自施測,了解學生的多元文化態度,及對福佬、原住民、國語及客家童謠的偏好情形。調查所得資料經描述統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析,以及皮爾遜積差相關分析後,獲得以下結論: 一、大溪鎮國小學童的多元文化態度傾向正面,族群印象、自我及族群概念、一般文化態度也都趨於積極正向。 二、學童對整體童謠的喜好,以及對國語、原住民童謠的偏好積極正向;但對福佬及客家童謠的偏好則消極負面。 三、族群、在家慣用語言、年級,為影響多元文化態度與族群童謠偏好的主要變項。 四、影響多元文化態度的變項為族群、在家慣用語言、在家使用語言種類多寡,以及年級;性別及在家接觸語言則不會影響。 (一) 原住民學童的整體多元文化態度與自我及族群概念比非原住民學童積極。 (二) 在家慣用原住民語的學童,其整體多元文化態度、自我及族群概念,以及一般文化態度,較慣用國語及閩南語者積極。 (三) 在家使用單一語言的學童,其整體多元文化態度、自我及族群概念,及一般文化態度,均較使用兩種以上語言者積極。 (四) 四年級學童在整體多元文化態度,及各分量表的表現均較五、六年級學童積極正向。 五、影響族群童謠偏好的變項為族群、在家慣用及接觸語言、性別、年級,以及音樂學習經驗的有無及長短;在家使用語言種類多寡則不會影響。 (一) 非原住民學童在整體童謠喜好、以及對福佬、國語、客家童謠的偏好表現上,均較原住民學童積極。 (二) 在家慣用原住民語的學童,對原住民童謠的偏好高過慣用國語及閩南語者;慣用閩南語的學童,對福佬童謠的偏好高過慣用原住民語者。 (三) 在家接觸原住民語的學童,對原住民童謠的偏好比在家接觸閩南語者積極。 (四) 女生比男生更偏好原住民童謠。 (五) 四年級學童在整體童謠喜好,以及對各族群童謠的偏好表現上,均較五、六年級學童積極。 (六) 有音樂學習經驗的學童,對國語童謠的偏好比沒有音樂學習經驗者積極。 (七) 音樂學習經驗達2~3 年及3~5 年的學童對客家、福佬,及整體童謠的偏好最為積極;音樂學習經驗達5 年以上的學童,其童謠偏好最為消極。 六、學童的多元文化態度與童謠偏好並無相關。整體多元文化態度及各分量表的積極與否,並不影響其童謠偏好。 根據研究結果,研究者就教學實務、教育行政單位,以及未來研究三方面,提出若干建議,作為相關教育工作者及未來相關研究之參考。Abstract Children of aboriginal and non-aboriginal are studied in relation to their multicultural attitude, and their preference toward children songs from four ethnic groups. The correlation among multicultural attitude and music preference is investigated along with variables such as race, gender, grade, language, and musical experience. Subjects were 446 children, grade four to six, equally divided in two ethnic groups, selected from Da-Shi and Chiao-Ai elementary schools. The children were asked to fill out questionnaires developed by the researcher, “Children’s multicultural attitude scale” and“Preference scale for children songs of four ethnic groups”. The data were analyzed by the following methods: descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson product-moment correlation. The results were the following: 1. Children demonstrated positive multicultural attitude. 2. Children show preference toward Mandarin, and aboriginal children songs, but negative attitude toward Hoklo and Hakka children songs. 3. Ethnicity, the language spoken at home, and grade, are the main variables to influence children’s multicultural attitude and their preference for ethnic children songs. 4. 1) Aboriginal children are more positive in multicultural attitude, self concept and ethnic concept. 2) Children who speak aboriginal language at home, are more positive in multicultural attitude, self and ethnic concept, and cultural attitude than those speak Mandarin and Hoklo. 3) Children who speak only one language at home are more positive in multicultural attitude, self and ethnic concept, and cultural attitude than those speak more than two languages at home. 4) The fourth grade children show more positive multicultural attitude than the fifth and sixth grade children. 5) Gender and the language that family members speak at home do not have significant effect on children’s multicultural attitude. 5. 1) Non-aboriginal children possess a more positive attitude toward Hoklo, Mandarin, Hakka, and over all children songs than aboriginal children. 2) Children speak Hoklo at home, prefer Hoklo children songs; and those who speak aboriginal language at home, prefer aboriginal children songs. 3) Children whose family members speak aboriginal language at home, are more positive in aboriginal children songs than those with Hoklo speaking family members. 4) Female children like aboriginal children songs more than male children do. 5) The fourth grade students like all children songs more than the fifth and sixth grade do. 6) Children with musical training like Mandarin children songs more than those without musical training do. 7) Children have musical training for two to three, and three to five years, like children songs more than those for more than 5 years do. 8) There is no significant difference in preference between children who speak only one language at home and those who speak two. 6. There is no significant correlation between children’s multicultural attitude and their preference of ethnic children songs. Based on the research result, suggestions for future study and education practice were offered, as well as suggestions for education administrations多元文化音樂教育多元文化態度音樂偏好族群童謠多元文化態度與音樂偏好─以族群為面向之桃園縣國小學童調查研究Multicultural attitudes and music preference-The research of analyzing from ethnic in Taoyuan County’selementary school.