閔慧慈2014-10-272014-10-272009-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/19092長久以來,本地教師在英文寫作教學法上,均師法美、英、澳等英語系國家學者。但不論是「語言導向」、「成果導向」、「過程導向」或「文體導向」等英文寫作教學法,只能解決本地學生英文寫作的部分問題。筆者根據主張「後教學法」學者Kumaravadivelu「宏觀策略架構」中的三大原則:地域特殊性、教師實用性及啟發學生潛能性(Kumaravadivelu, 2006: 69),提出一兼容並蓄之英語寫作教學方式。此一教學方式,不僅批判檢視主流寫作教學法所隱含之西方文化觀點,並修正適應臺灣大學生英語寫作之需要,更強調授課教師依學生及寫作情境需求自創寫作教學法。筆者除闡述此一教學方式之理論架構外,亦以實例簡介此一教學方式。For years non-native English as Foreign Language (EFT) writing instructors have turned to scholars and researchers in English-speaking countries such as the United States, British, and Australia for appropriate approaches to teaching writing. Yet from language-based, product-based, to process-based, and genre-based approaches, mainstream writing approaches appear to address only part of the issues facing by EFL writers. According to the three parameters of Kumaravadivelu’s macrostrategic framework of post-method pedagogy ¾ particularity, practicality, and possibility (Kumaravadivelu, 2006: 69), the author proposed a principled eclectic approach to teaching EFL writing. The features of this new method are adapting mainstream writing pedagogies to local needs, creating local pedagogies to address students’ difficulties, and critically examining and evaluating extant mainstream writing practices. Evidence is provided to illustrate this principled eclectic approach.臺灣原則性之兼容並蓄方式英語寫作教學法TaiwanPrincipled Eclectic ApproachEFL Writing ApproachA Principled Eclectic Approach to Teaching EFL Writing in Taiwan兼容並蓄之英語寫作教學方式