鍾志從JYH-TSORNG JONG葛惠KO, HUI2020-10-19不公開2020-10-192019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G080006012E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110030  本研究旨在探討幼兒生理參數與氣質、社會地位的關聯,並探討不同背景(性別、年齡、家庭社經地位)的幼兒,在不同情境下(抑制情境、非抑制情境),其生理參數的差異。本研究以臺北市、新北市及桃園市選定之11家非營利幼兒園,滿三足歲(小班)及滿四足歲(中班)的幼兒為研究對象,共得有效樣本305份。研究工具選用「耳溫槍」測量幼兒的耳溫、「羅氏免疫分析皮質酮檢驗試劑」測量幼兒的唾液皮質醇數值、「emWave Pro HRV 心率回饋儀」測量幼兒的心率變異度、「ROSSMAX CF-155手臂式電子血壓計」測量幼兒的血壓(舒張壓及收縮壓),以評估幼兒的生理參數數值;再由父母填寫的「幼兒氣質量表」收集幼兒氣質資料;進行「照片式社會計量」分析幼兒的社會地位狀況;並以賽門說界定為「抑制情境」、靜聽音樂為「非抑制情境」,收集幼兒的心率變異度及血壓資料。所得資料,依研究目的進行分析,瞭解受試幼兒氣質、社會地位與生理參數現況;並探討不同變項下之幼兒生理參數的差異。結果顯示: 一、耳溫與氣質、社會地位有關聯: 1.受試幼兒的右耳耳溫均高於左耳耳溫。 2.情緒本質悲觀及堅持性低的幼兒右耳耳溫較高。 3.受歡迎的受試幼兒比被拒絕的幼兒左耳耳溫高,且被忽視的幼兒比被拒絕和一般組的幼兒左耳耳溫高。 二、唾液皮質與氣質、社會地位有關聯: 1.受試幼兒的唾液皮質醇數值,下午顯著高於上午。 2.上午的唾液皮質醇數值,活動量小的受試幼兒高於活動量大者。 3.下午的唾液皮質醇數值,情緒樂觀的受試幼兒高於情緒適中者。 三、背景變項不同,生理參數、氣質、社會地位不同: 1.女生的左、右耳溫度均比男生高。 2.屬低反應閾者,男生比女生多;堅持性低者,則女生比男生多。 3.被拒絕者,四歲組比三歲組多;被忽視者,三歲組比四歲組多。 4.家庭社經地位高的幼兒比家庭社經地位低的幼兒活動量低。 四、情境不同,生理參數、氣質、社會地位有些不同: 1.情境不同,生理參數沒有不同。 2.抑制情境中,規律性高的幼兒心率變異高頻(HF)高,而反應閾低的幼兒脈搏較快。 3.非抑制情境中,趨性及適中的幼兒比避性的幼兒收縮壓高,堅持性適中的幼兒舒張壓高。 4.抑制情境中,社會地位不同,生理參數無顯著不同。 五、非抑制情境中,受歡迎的幼兒比受爭議的幼兒心率變異超低頻(VLF)高。 六、抑制情境中,心率變異高頻(HF)男生高於女生,心率變異超低頻(VLF)則中家庭社經者高於低家庭社經、高家庭社經的幼兒。 七、非抑制情境中,女生脈搏高於男生,三歲組脈搏也高於四歲組。The purposes of this study were to investigate the relations among preschoolers' physiological parameters, temperament, as well as their social status. The study also explored the differences of gender, age, SES, in physiological parameters, temperament, social status, and inbibition/ disinhibition situation. A total of 305 preschoolers aged 3-5 year-olds from Taipei City, New Taipei City, and Taoyuan City, participated in this study. By using the ear thermometer, examining cortisol value with Elecsys Cortisal, measuring heart rate variability with emWave Pro HRV monitors, and taking their blood pressure by using ROSSMAX CF-155 Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor, the physiological parameters were collected. In addition, parents filled the “Behavior Style Questionnaire.” “Picture Sociometric Interview” was to decide the social status, "Simon Says" was defined as the inhibition situation and “Listening to Music quietly”was set as disinhibition situation. Finally, through the statistical analysis, the main findings were summarized as follows: 1.The associations among ear temperature, temperament and social status: (1)Preschoolers' right ear temperature is higher than the left ear temperature. (2)Preschoolers with pessimistic mood or lower persistence of temperament have higher temperature in their right ears. (3)Popular vs. rejected preschoolers, and neglected vs. rejected/average preschoolers, the formers have higher temperature in their left ears. 2.The associations among cortisol value, temperament and social status: (1)Preschoolers’ cortisol value is higher in the afternoons than that in the mornings. (2)Preschoolers with lower activity level have higher cortisol value in the morning. (3)Preschoolers with optimistic mood temperament have higher cortisol value in the afternoon. 3.The differences of gender, age, SES in physiological parameters, temperament, and social status: (1)Girls’ right-ear temperature is higher than that of the boys’. (2)Boys’ threshold of responsiveness in temperament is lower than that of the girls; Girls’ persistence in temperament is lower than that of the boys’. (3)4-year-olds are more than 3-year-olds in the rejected group; 3-year-olds are more than 4-year-olds in the neglected group. (4)Preschoolers from high SES show lower activity level than those from low SES. 4.The different physiological parameters in different situations, temperament, and social status: (1)There is no significant difference in physiological parameters between the inhibition and disinhibition situation. (2)In the inhibition situation, the preschoolers with high level of rhythmicity show higher HF of HRV; the preschoolers with low level of the threshold of responsiveness show higher pulse. (3)In the disinhibition situation, the preschoolers with higher approachability show higher SBP value than those with lower approachability; the preschoolers with middle level of intensity reaction show higher DBP value. (4)In the inhibition situation, there is no significant difference in physiological parameters among five social situations. 5.In the disinhibition situation, the popular group shows higher VLF of HRV than the controversial group. 6.In the inhibition situation, boys’ HF of HRV is higher than girls’; preschoolers from the middle SES show higher VLF of HRV than those from high SES and low SES. 7.In the disinhibition situation, girls show higher pulse than boys; 3-year-olds show higher pulse than 4-year-olds as well.心率變異度幼兒生理參數血壓抑制情境社會地位非抑制情境氣質唾液皮質醇blood pressuredisinhibition situationheart rate variabilityinhibition situationphysiological parameterspreschoolerssalivary cortisolsocial statustemperament幼兒生理參數與氣質、社會地位、情境的關聯探究The Association Among Physiological Parameters, Temperament, Social Status, and Situation in Preschoolers