歐陽教陳文團黃振豊Chen Li Huang2019-08-282003-10-032019-08-282003http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0000S04248%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89419本研究探討麥金泰爾(Alasdair MacIntyre,1929-)人格教育理論,研究中發現我國教育應加強培養德行、追求統整人格與建構價值判斷的根源,進而提出MacIntyre之實踐、個人生活的敘述性整體與傳統三個具有順序發展的階段作為參考途徑。 培養健全人格是教育基本目的,我國向來重視人格教育,但這個傳統逐漸衰敗並形成社會混亂。啟蒙精神所追求獨立性個體、現代性所追求效率與價值中立,分析哲學、情緒主義、自由主義等主張均無法解決這個問題。但MacIntyre從目的、德行、內在善、卓越等概念出發,成為這個問題的解方。 MacIntyre人格教育理論在我國學校施行的價值性在於其理論切中時弊,且我國社會現況與MacIntyre所處社會相近,以及MacIntyre觀點與我國傳統道德觀點有互補作用。 MacIntyre人格教育理論在我國學校施行的可能方案為:宣導人格教育的重要;提出善、德行、統整人格、自我更新的傳統價值為教育之目的;並強調各學習領域或分科教學應結合實踐、個人生活的敘述性整體與傳統等概念;以及提倡學校為實施人格教育最適宜的局部社群。 研究建議為:加強人格教育相關研究、參考MacIntyre人格教育觀點、在自願性前提下鼓勵以學校為局部社群加強人格教育、人格教育過程應注重方法與目的適切性、從實踐中進行評量、加強教師健全人格的培養及身教的觀念、並在德行中追求能力卓越與關係和諧。The inadequacy and errors of Taiwanese education have forced educators and politicians to launch a reformation. Regretfully, reformation is rather done in the fields of technical change. Only a very few of educators have paid attention to more essential problems such as those of ideals, virtues, humanity, etc. Aware of this problem, this thesis studies the education of personality, once proposed by Alasdair MacIntyre (1929- ), which we consider as an alternative to our present education idea. The work consists of three main parts: the first part analyses of the shortcomings of an education for technique and practical knowledge adopted by Taiwan authorities. Its main weakness is a notorious lack of an education of personality. The second part presents the main ideas of an education of personality proposed by MacIntyre. This part traces back the whole process of MacIntyre’s construction of his theory, how he synthesizes the ideas of virtues in Aristotle to the concepts of modern sciences and reason, how he combines Aquinas’ transcendent virtues with our actual concepts of values, and how he advocates the practice, the narrative unity of a life, and the tradition. The final part is a critical re-examination of MacIntyre’s theory of an education of personality to discover its feasibility and its applied values. Consequently, we find that there are many similar problems in our education and in American education, between our tradition and the Western tradition. Thus, his proposal may be suitable to our education. However, we are also aware of the fact that there are also many differences. That means a total, uncritical application of his theory would be foolish. Therefore, we suggest that the ways to transfer MacIntyre’s theory to Taiwan could be possible if we know our values and our shortcomings, if we know how to transform MacIntyre’s idea into our own ideas, and finally if we can solve our problems with these new acquired ideas.人格教育麥金泰爾德行道德教育問題education of personalityMacIntyrevirtuemoralproblems of education in Taiwan麥金泰爾(Alasdair MacIntyre)人格教育理論Alasdair MacIntyre on Education of Personality