郭鐘隆連盈如高美娟Gao, Mel-Juan2020-10-192025-08-312020-10-192020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0006053130%22.&%22.id.&amp;http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110062本研究旨在以探討3D VR園藝治療虛實結合對老人身心健康之成效。採準實驗設計,實驗組參與者為新北市某一私立養護中心之老人(平均85歲以上),共計31名,需參加八堂3D VR園藝治療虛實結合活動,對老人身心健康之探討,有教學人員5人協助;控制組參與者為新北市某私立養護中心之老人,平均78歲以上,共計31名,未參與任何園藝相關之活動。實驗組與控制組需完成3次問卷填答,施測時間點為活動前的前測、活動後立即後測、活動後2個月的後測。研究結果顯示實驗組老人的健康狀態、生命意義、知覺被看重、憂鬱感、孤寂感,經廣義估計方程式分析後,在控制年齡、教育程度、經濟狀況下,組別X時間之交互作用均達顯著(p<0.001);活動結束後2個月的後測,心理健康指標之表現均較於控制組顯著(p<0.001)。本研究為創新3D VR園藝治療虛實結合活動,老人先由3D VR虛擬園藝課程練習後,再進行實做園藝活動,參與者平均練習5次,使用意圖與參與程度、臨場感與互動性相關性分析結果顯著達水準(p<0.001)。透過研究期望能縮短老人對數位的科技的落差,並提升老人的身心靈健康,相信對於未來以機構老人為對象之3D VR來輔助健康促進的研究會有所助益。Aim: The current study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of combining 3-dimensional (3D) virtual reality and hands-on horticultural in promoting physical and mental health among older adults. Methods: A quasi-experimental trial was used in the study. In the experimental group, the 31 older adults (the average age was 85 years or older) were recruited from a private institution in New Taipei City, who completed eight lessons of 3D VR and physical horticultural therapy, in this control group, the 31 older adults (the average age was 78 years or older) were recruited from an institution in New Taipei City, which did not engaged in any health-related activities. Both participants in the experimental and control groups required to complete the assessments in the baseline, after the intervention and two-month follow-up after the intervention. Results: The results of the current study reveal that 3D VR-combined horticultural treatment benefits elderly’s mental health. The analyzed data demonstrates the improvement on the participants’ health status, life significance, perceived mattering, depression, and loneliness. After the analysis of the generalized estimation equation, the interaction effect of the group x time is significant (p<0.001) under the control of age, education level, and economic status; the performance of the mental health indicators in the post-test 2 months after the end of the activity All were significantly higher than the control group (p<0.001). In order to innovate 3D VR gardening therapy combining virtual and actual activities, the elderly first practiced in 3D VR virtual gardening courses and then practiced gardening activities. Participants practiced an average of 5 times. The correlation analysisresults of intention and participation, sense of presence, and interactivity were significant. Level (p<0.001). Conclusion: The current study adopts innovative 3D VR-combined horticultural therapy activities, in which the elderly attend 3D VR courses before experiencing physical gardening activities. The assistance of technology significantly promotes the participants’ mental health, and the current study is believed to benefit future researchers focusing on the adoption of 3D VR technology for promoting elderly’s health status.3D VR園藝治療老人虛實結合3D VRhorticultural therapyelderlyvirtual combination3D VR園藝治療虛實結合活動對老人心理健康之探討The Effectiveness of 3D VR and Hands-on Horticultural Therapy on Mental Health among the Elderly