陳學志Chen, Hsueh-Chih江盈潔Chiang, Ying-Chieh2023-12-082028-08-102023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/a524152591569bc1af9f9588d82fa799/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119512本研究旨在探討能否透過閱讀觀點取替文本,來增進不同性別國中生之同理心及其對身心障礙同儕之接納態度,並檢視同理心在觀點取替與同儕接納態度之間的中介效果。研究採準實驗的不等組前後測控制組設計法,研究對象以立意取樣方式選取國內公立國中,班級中有經鑑輔會核定之身心障礙同儕的國中生,有效樣本共170人,男生71人,女生99人。自變項其一為實驗操弄不同性別參與者閱讀觀點取替文本後的視角轉換;其二為參與者之性別。依變項為同儕接納態度,測量工具包含「同儕分組意願評等表」及「國中生同儕接納態度量表」。中介變項為同理心,以「中文版人際反應指標量表」測得。實驗後將資料進行描述性統計分析、二因子共變數分析,並以同理心為中介變項進行多元階層迴歸分析,得出以下結論:一、不同觀點取替組別及不同性別,同儕分組意願的評等分數並無顯著差異。二、不同觀點取替組別及不同性別,接納態度組別間無顯著差異,但性別有顯著差異,女生的接納態度顯著高於男生。三、不同觀點取替組別及不同性別同理心有顯著交互效果,以男生來說,實驗組B(由我觀點轉換至他觀點)的同理心顯著優於實驗組A(由我觀點轉換至你觀點);而在實驗組A裡,女生的同理心顯著優於男生。四、經由觀點取替後,同理心在性別、觀點取替與同儕接納態度間無顯著中介效果。但在多元階層迴歸統計結果發現,性別對同理心有顯著預測力,同理心也與接納態度有顯著正相關。最後根據研究結果進行討論並提出建議作為未來研究與教育實務之參考。The purpose of this study was to investigate whether reading perspective-taking articles can enhance empathy and acceptance attitudes toward peers with disabilities among junior high school students of different genders, as well as to examine the mediating effect of empathy on perspective-taking and peer acceptance attitudes. The research employed a quasi-experimental and non-equivalent pre-test and post-test control-group design. The participants were selected through purposive sampling from public junior high schoolsin Taiwan, and included 170 students, comprising 71 males and 99 females, with disabled peers identified by Special Education Students Diagnosis and Placement Counseling Committee (briefly called DPCC) in their classes.The independent variables were the manipulation of perspective-taking through reading articles and the gender of the participants. The dependent variable was peer acceptance attitudes, measured with the"Peer Rating Scale" and the "Junior High School Students' Peer Acceptance Attitude Scale." Empathy served as the mediating variable and was measured using the " Alternative Chinese Version of the Interpersonal Reactivity Index." Descriptive statistics, two-way analysis of covariance, and multiple hierarchical regression analysis were conducted to analyze the data. The following conclusions were drawn: 1. There were no significant differences in the ratings of willingness to group with peers withdisabilities among different perspective-taking groups and genders. 2. There were no significant differences in the acceptance attitudes toward peers with disabilities among different perspective-taking groups, but there was a significant difference based on gender, with female students showing significantly higher acceptance attitudes than male students. 3. There was a significant interaction effect between different perspec-tive-taking groups and gender on empathy. For male students, empathy scores were significantly higher in experimental group B (conversion from self-perspective to the perspective of others) than in experimental group A (conversion from self-perspective to the perspective of peers with disabilities). Within experimental group A, female students exhibited significantly higher empathy scores than male students. 4. After undergoing perspective-taking, empathy did not mediate the relationship between gender, perspective-taking, and peer acceptance attitudes significantly. However, the multiple hierarchical regression analysis showed that gender significantly predicted empathy, and empathy was significantly correlated with acceptance attitudes.Finally, the study discussed the research findings and provided suggestions for future research and educational practices as references.身心障礙同儕接納態度同理心觀點取替peers with disabilitiesacceptance attitudesempathyperspective-taking閱讀觀點取替文本對國中生接納身心障礙同儕態度之影響:以同理心為中介變項The Effects of Perspective-taking Articles on the Acceptance Attitudes toward Peers with Disabilities of Junior High School Students: Empathy as a Mediatoretd