譚克平顏妙璇Tam, Hak-PingYan, Miao-Hsuan郭菱聿Kuo, Ling-Yu2022-06-082026-07-212022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/9b87e52df067aca47b60dead3cb7dee6/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/116988人與人之間有第一印象,學習者在第一次見到這些詞彙是否會有第一印象,而這些感覺是否有持續性,因此本研究主要探討國中七年級學生對於常用數學詞彙產生的第一感覺與學習成效之間的關係,針對下列問題進行討論:不同性別對數學詞彙的感受是否有關、學習者對詞彙的感受是否具有持續性、對數學詞彙的感受是否影響作答表現。本研究採混合研究法,數學詞彙採用現行108課綱修訂後的七年級數學課本作為選取範圍,其中,量化部分採用調查研究法,並設計第一感覺印象問卷、概念問卷;質性部分採用簡易訪談的方式,分析學生的作答表現。研究者於109學年度下學期開學時施測第一感覺問卷,並對87位七年級學生進行調查。而後並持續追蹤學生對於部分數學詞彙學習後的感覺和學習表現。本文經由蒐集到的資料可以發現,學生在面對不同的數學詞彙會產生不同程度的負向感受,學生在學習後對於數學詞彙的感受具有53%至80%的維持率,並發現不同數學詞彙與性別並無直接相關。本文進一步發現到,對於特定數學詞彙擁有負向感受的高分群學生,在後續追蹤當中,研究發現擁有負向感受的高分群學生在遇到相同特定的數學詞彙時,會受到負向感受而造成作答錯誤,本研究結果反映出學生對數學詞彙的負向感受與學習成效之間有關係。It is well-known that first impressions exist among human beings. This study inquires if there are first impressions when students first encounter certain vocabularies in learning contexts. Should they exist, are they transient or are they relatively stable phenomena? As few studies had explored these issues before, this study attempted to answer these questions by following a group of seven graders regarding their first impressions of a set of mathematical vocabularies encountered in their textbooks. We would like to know whether there exist gender differences with respect to first impressions of mathematical vocabularies, whether they are relatively stable across time and whether negative first impressions are related to subsequent performances in mathematics tests.The set of vocabularies for this study were taken from the current official mathematics curriculum for the seventh grade. This study adopted the mixed methods approach as its research design. A survey study was conducted for the quantitative section of the design. Questionnaires on first impressions of selected mathematical vocabularies and mathematical concepts were developed and validated. Students verbal answers were collected and short interviews were conducted for qualitative analyses. The questionnaires were administered at the beginning of the second semester of the 2020 school year. A total of 87 students participated in the study. The study then collected the students’ impressions of the vocabularies and their mathematical performances after formal instruction.This study found that different students developed negative first impressions with respect to different mathematical vocabularies. Among those who expressed negative impressions about respective mathematical vocabularies, their persistence rates of negative impressions ranged from 53% to 80%. No gender differences, however, were observed in negative first impressions. Furthermore, it was found that some students who were high performing in mathematics did not perform as well on items related to vocabularies they had indicated negative first impressions. Based on our findings, there are some evidences to support the claim that first impression of mathematical vocabularies exists and that they are related to students’ performances in mathematics.數學詞彙閱讀情緒混合研究法第一感覺印象mathematical vocabularyemotion in readingmixed methods researchfirst impression of mathematical terms初探學習者對數學詞彙之第一感覺印象以及其與學習表現之關係-以國中七年級學生為例Exploratory study in identifying the existence of seventh graders' first impression of mathematical vocabulary and their relationship with subsequent learning performances學術論文